作家有三种死法。一曰自然的死,二曰痛苦的死,三曰快乐的死。 自然的死属于心脏停止跳动,是一种普遍的死亡形式,没有特色,可以略而不议。快乐的死和痛苦的死不属于心脏停止跳动,是人还活着,作品已经或几乎是没有了! 作家没有了作品,可以看作是个人艺

admin2018-07-29  21

问题     作家有三种死法。一曰自然的死,二曰痛苦的死,三曰快乐的死。


答案 A writer can die of three kinds of death; natural death, painful death and happy death. Natural death, caused by the discontinuation of heartbeat, is a common form of death with no characteristics of its own, and therefore may as well be left out without any comment. In the case of happy death and painful death, which are not caused by the discontinuation of heartbeat, the writer, alive as he is, has stopped or almost stopped writing! When a writer no longer produces any work, it is tantamount to the death of his artistic life or the end of his career. Some writers lay down their pens because they are too old to be equal to the task. We call it retirement from art rather than death of art. They have nothing to blame themselves for. And society at large will pay tribute to the contributions they have already made to art.

解析 1.第一段可合译为一个句子,第二句中“一曰……二曰……三曰……”在汉语中具有修辞意义,但如果直译为英语,就会失去这种意义,因此可采用省译法。
2.第二段第一句是汉语的流水句,首先可确定信息重心为“是一种普遍的死亡形式”和“可以略而不议”,由此确定句子的主干,其余部分作为修饰成分译出。“心脏停止跳动”可运用词类转换,译为名词词组the discontinuation of heartbeat。
3.第二段第二句中“是人还活着,作品已经或几乎是没有了”为全句的信息重心,译为主干。因而“快乐的死和痛苦的死不属于心脏停止跳动”可译为In the case of happy death and painful death,which are not caused by the discontinuation of heartbeat,其中短语In the case of为增译部分。
5.第三段第二句中“年事已高,力不从心”在译文中需要增补适当的宾语成分,可译为are too old to be equal to the task。
