中国是世界四大文明古国之一,幅员辽阔,物产丰富,历史文化悠久。五千年的人文创造(humanistic creativity)和天开万物造就的自然景观为我们留下了数量繁多的名胜古迹,创造了辉煌的文化和艺术。中国位于亚洲东部、太平洋西岸,面积约960万平方

admin2021-05-28  52

问题   中国是世界四大文明古国之一,幅员辽阔,物产丰富,历史文化悠久。五千年的人文创造(humanistic creativity)和天开万物造就的自然景观为我们留下了数量繁多的名胜古迹,创造了辉煌的文化和艺术。中国位于亚洲东部、太平洋西岸,面积约960万平方千米。中国人口约14亿,共有56个民族,是世界上人口最多的国家。位于中国的青藏高原(the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau)是海拔最高的高原。喜马拉雅山系(the Himalayas)是世界上最大的山系,其主峰珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Everest)是世界上最高的山峰。


答案  China is one of the world’s four great ancient civilizations, which is magnificent and spectacular with vast territory, rich natural resources as well as long history and culture. Humanistic creativity of five thousand years and the natural landscape created by fantasy things have left us numerous scenic spots and historical sites, and created brilliant culture and art. China is located in the eastern part of Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, with an area of about 9. 6 million square kilometers. China has the largest population of about 1.4 billion in the world, comprising 56 nationalities. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, located in China, has the highest altitude among all the plateaus. The Himalayas is the world’s largest mountain system, and its main peak, Mount Everest, is the world’s highest mountain.

