Computer-assisted technological innovation and breakthroughs in drilling are revolutionizing the energy landscape, creating grea

admin2019-08-08  23

问题    Computer-assisted technological innovation and breakthroughs in drilling are revolutionizing the energy landscape, creating greater uncertainty about the future trends for oil use. These new dynamics are prompting major oil producers to reconsider the commercial value of their assets, potentially changing the long-term outlook for oil prices. A shift in investment and production strategy by major oil-producing countries and large multinational companies to avoid the risk of stranded assets would have significant implications on energy markets. 【F1】A declining long-term oil price might imply that energy and climate scientists and policymakers should revisit the road map of the optimum policies to promote the transition to lower carbon energy and to defend technology gains already achieved.
   【F2】The concept that not all of the world’s remaining fossil fuel resources should be extracted came to prominence more than a decade ago as a theoretical imperative for addressing climate change. Seven years later, it was asserted that to hold global temperatures to a 2°C rise would require that less than half of the world’s proven reserves of fossil fuels should be emitted between 2007 and 2050. 【F3】This analysis implied that an effective global climate accord, such as that reached in Paris last year, would ultimately result in some fossil fuel reserves becoming "unburnable", leading to a loss in value for entities that own them.
   However, stranded oil reserves could occur irrespective of an effective global climate accord, though more slowly. Transformational advances in oil and gas exploration and production technologies are making production from extensive unconventional resources cheaper, faster and easier, opening the possibility that future oil scarcity could give way to long-range oil supply abundance. The chances of oil abundance could be magnified by significant demand reductions that might come from similarly revolutionary advances in artificial intelligence, the internet of things and automation, among other technological breakthroughs. 【F4】Such breakthroughs are increasingly decoupling energy use from economic growth across the globe via improved efficiency and productivity, with less correlation to relative energy prices.
   Last year, it was estimated that unburnable reserves would be geographically broken down based on economic, technical and geographic factors. 【F5】Much of Canada’s oil sands reserves, Arctic oil resources and upwards of 260 billion barrels of Middle East reserves are most likely to become stranded, while natural gas resources in North America would benefit from being close to end-use markets, and might play a big role in reducing CO2 emissions. In other words, in economic and geopolitical terms, the oil and gas world would have winners and losers.



解析 ①这是一个包含宾语从句的复合句。②主句为简单的主谓宾结构,宾语由that引导的从句充当,该从句表达的是imply“暗示”的内容,其中使用了“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气。of the optimum policies在宾语从句中作road map的后置定语;to promote…energy and to defend…achieved为宾语从句中的目的状语,表明能源科学家、气候科学家以及政策制定者revisit the road map的目的所在。
