A、It helps employees reduce their stress. B、It distinguishes offices from prisons. C、It breaks the boundary of hierarchy. D、It r

admin2021-01-08  33

“Too many people view their jobs as a five-day prison from which they are paroled every Friday,” says Joel Gookman, founder of the Humor Project, a humor-consulting group in Saratoga Springs, New York. Humor unlocks the office prison because it lets adults bring some of their childlike spirit to the job.
   According to Howard Pollio, professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, an office with humor breaks is an office with satisfied and productive employees. Pollio conducted a study that proved humor can help workers excel at routine production tasks. Employees perform better when they have fun.
   In large corporations with a hierarchy of power, there is often no outlet for stress. “Every company needs underground ways of poking fun at the organization,” says Lynn N. Mark, a speaker on workplace humor for St. Mary’s Health Centre in St. Louis. Kodak’s Rochester, New York branch, discovered a way for its 20 000 employees to uncork their bottomed-up resentments. Their 1 000-square-foot humor room features a toy store. Among the room’s many stress-reducing gadgets, the main attraction is a boss doll with detachable arms and legs. Employees can take the doll apart, as long as they put its arms and legs back in place.
   Sandy Cohen, owner of a graphic print-production business, created “The Quote Board” to document the bizarre phrases people say when under strict deadlines. “When you’re under stress, you say stupid things,” says Cohen. “Now, we just look at each other and say, ‘that’s one for the Quote Board!’”
   Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
   9. What does the passage say about humor in the workplace?
   10.What does the study by Howard Pollio show?
   11. What can Kodak’s employees do in the humor room?

选项 A、It helps employees reduce their stress.
B、It distinguishes offices from prisons.
C、It breaks the boundary of hierarchy.
D、It reveals the dislike among employees.


解析 细节推断题。短文通篇都在讨论幽默对办公室气氛的益处,其中提到幽默会让办公室中充满童趣,接下来又提到,在权力等级分明的大公司,压力没有出口。综合考虑,幽默可以帮助员工减轻压力。因此答案为A)。
