①回顾过去五年,诸多矛盾交织叠加,各种风险挑战接踵而至,国内外很多情况是改革开放以来没有碰到过的,我国改革发展成就实属来之不易。 ②安不忘危,兴不忘忧。③我们清醒认识到,我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,仍是世界最大发展中国家。发展不平衡不充

admin2022-08-09  16

问题     ①回顾过去五年,诸多矛盾交织叠加,各种风险挑战接踵而至,国内外很多情况是改革开放以来没有碰到过的,我国改革发展成就实属来之不易。


答案 ①Looking back at the past five years, we have encountered a great many interwoven problems and a stream of risks and challenges. Both at home and abroad, there have been many new developments that we have not seen since reform and opening-up began. The achievements we have made in China’s reform and development have certainly not come easily. ②As the Chinese saying goes, "When all is calm, forget not danger; when all is well, be awake to woes." ③We are keenly aware that China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come, that it remains the largest developing country in the world, and that it faces a number of acute problems caused by unbalanced and inadequate development that so far have remained unsolved. ④The internal forces powering economic growth are not yet sufficient. China’s ability to innovate needs to be stronger. And the quality and performance of development need to be improved. Some enterprises, particularly small and medium ones, are finding it tough going. Growth in private investment is weak; some regions still face considerable downward economic pressure, and risks and potential dangers in the financial and other sectors are not to be ignored. ⑤Poverty alleviation remains a formidable task; agriculture is not based on a strong foundation. The disparities in development between rural and urban areas, between regions, and in income distribution remain substantial. ⑥Serious and major workplace accidents happen all too often. ⑦ People still have a lot of complaints about air quality, environmental sanitation, food and drug safety, housing, education, healthcare, employment, and elderly care. ⑧With a deep sense of responsibility to our country and people, with courage in the face of adversity, and with determination that won’t be broken, we must give our work everything we’ve got to make sure that the people’s government does not let the people down.

解析     1. ①句中“回顾过去五年,诸多矛盾交织叠加”,翻译时应当注意句子问的逻辑关系,可将第一个分句处理成现在分词形式的非谓语结构作为状语,引出背景。同时“诸多矛盾交织叠加”可理解为“我们遇到了很多矛盾交织叠加的难题”,故可补充主谓结构we have encountered…,该句可译作Looking back at the past five years, we have encountered a great many interwoven problems…,使译文的主次更加分明。
    2.②句属于中国的俗语,翻译时为了更好地体现这一特色,可以在整句话前补充信息As the Chinese saying goes…,从而更好地与后文进行衔接。
    3.④句中“金融等领域风险隐患不容忽视”,翻译时既可以按照原文的结构. 处理成we should never ignore the risks and potential dangers in the financial and other sectors,也可以转主动句为被动,译作risks and potential dangers in the financial and other sectors are not to be ignored,使译文的结构更加灵活多样。
    4.⑧句中“尽心竭力做好工作,使人民政府不负人民重托”,翻译时应当注意句子间的逻辑关系,第一个分句描述怎么做,后一个分句则解释这么做的目的,处理时可添加连接短语to make sure that,译作we must give our work everything we’ve got to make sure that…,从而强化译文的逻辑。
