
admin2017-06-12  37

问题     天上的云,真是姿态万千,变化无常。它们有的像羽毛,轻轻地飘在空中;有的像鱼鳞,一片片整整齐齐地排列着;有的像羊群,来来去去;有的像一床大棉被,严严实实地盖住了天空;还有的像峰峦,像河流,像雄狮,像奔马……它们有时把天空点缀得很美丽,有时又把天空笼罩得很阴森。刚才还是白云朵朵,阳光灿烂;一霎间却又是乌云密布,大雨倾盆。云就像是天气的“招牌”:天上挂什么云,就将出现什么样的天气。


答案Some clouds look like feathers, floating lightly in the sky; some are like fish scales, neatly arranged one after another; some resemble flocks of sheep, just wandering around; some seem to be a large quilt, which covers the sky completely; others are in the shape of peaks, rivers, male lions and onrushing horses... They might adorn the sky, making it more beautiful, or hang over it, bringing about gloom. Just now the clear sky was dotted with white clouds in brilliant sunshine, but a moment later it is clouded over and the rain is pouring.

解析 1.画线部分第一句翻译时应明确主语,此处“它们”指“天上的云”,对于“轻轻地飘在空中”的处理,可使用现在分词短语作伴随状语,即floating lightly in the sky;“整整齐齐地排列着”可使用副词修饰形容词的方法进行翻译,译为neatly arranged;“羊群”翻译为flocks of sheep或herds of sheep,“来来去去”指羊群四处闲逛,可译为wandering around或wandering about;翻译“有的像一床大棉被……盖住了天空”时可使用非限性定语从句,以增加整个段落的句式多样性;本句中“像”可使用be in the shape of的句型,综合来看,“像”出现了多次,翻译时为避免重复,分别使用look like,be like,resemble,seem to be等;“奔马”可翻译为onrushing horses,使用现在分词作定语,表现出马儿奔腾驰骋的状态;“点缀”可翻译为adorn,“笼罩”可译为动词短语hang over。
2.画线部分第二句中“白云朵朵”可翻译为dotted with white clouds,此处dotted的含义是指“星罗棋布于”或“散布于”,“大雨倾盆”可译作the rain is pouring。
