A: Adam, I watched a singing competition television series recently. There were a few musical actors who sang beautifully. I sel

admin2022-08-12  39

B: Thank you, but I’m not an expert, just a big fan of musicals. So what do you want to know?
B: Musicals in different countries do have their own styles and features. Maybe you have heard of Broadway and the West End, homes to the most famous musicals in the world.
B: Yes, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera have toured many times. There are also many excellent shows mainly performed locally in these two places. Broadway has produced a large number of original shows, including Wicked, which is one of the most popular productions in the US. The West End seldom produces shows of its own. Instead, many of its performances are created by other countries.
B: Well, it depends on the specific scenes and the atmosphere. But generally speaking, French musicals are relatively pleasant to watch, even if it’s a sad story. Perhaps it’s because when actors of a French musical take the curtain call, there is usually a lively interaction between actors and audiences, and actors will invite audiences to join them in singing the most popular song in that musical. But the story of many French musicals doesn’t have very strong logic, especially compared to German and Austrian musicals.
B: Germany and Austria have produced many musicals that describe the whole life of a famous person.4 Their styles are mostly serious and many stories are about the struggle and pain of the main characters. As for other differences of musicals in different countries, let’s find another time to talk about it. It’s a big topic.


答案A: Adam, I watched a singing competition television series recently. There were a few musical actors who sang beautifully. I seldom see musicals, but I heard you’re an expert in this field. Can you tell me about musicals? B:谢谢,专家不敢当,只能算音乐剧迷而已。你想知道什么呢? A: I’m wondering about the features of musicals in different countries. There were many songs in this series that came from musicals. Some of them were American, and some were British and French. The styles of these songs were a bit different. B:各国音乐剧确实有自己的风格和特点。或许你听说过百老汇和西区,全世界最有名的音乐剧都出自这里。 A: Yes, I know that Cats and The Phantom of the Opera were performed in Broadway and the West End. Last year during the world tour of The Phantom of the Opera, I saw a show in Beijing. B:没错,《猫》和《歌剧魅影》已经巡演过很多次了。还有很多优质的音乐剧主要在百老汇西区本地上演。百老汇创作了一大批原创作品,包括《魔法坏女巫》,它是美国最受欢迎的音乐剧之一。西区很少创作自己的作品,而是演出由其他国家创作的音乐剧。 A: I see. Besides the UK and the US, which countries have musicals with distinct features? I once listened to a song from a French musical. It was full of energy and passion. Is this the style of French musicals? B:这个要取决于具体的场景和气氛。但总的来说,法国音乐剧的观赏体验是比较愉快的,即使是悲剧也一样。这可能是因为法国音乐剧谢幕时,演员和观众通常会进行热闹的互动,演员还会邀请观众合唱剧中最受欢迎的歌曲。但许多法国音乐剧的故事逻辑性并不强,特剐是和德国、奥地利音乐剧相比就更是如此了。 A: Then if I have a chance, I must see a French musical and experience the live interaction between actors and audiences. Are there many musicals in Germany and Austria? What are the differences between them and French musicals?

