A:请问您是从什么时候开始您的摇滚音乐生涯的? B: My musical odyssey began early. My father, a trumpet player, began teaching me when I was 14. My tast

admin2018-08-31  46

问题 A:请问您是从什么时候开始您的摇滚音乐生涯的?
B: My musical odyssey began early. My father, a trumpet player, began teaching me when I was 14. My tastes were strictly classical. In 1983 I joined a symphony orchestra in Beijing and stayed there for several years. Things began to change in 1985, though, when the group Wham! gave a concert in Beijing. A year later, I heard my first Beatles tape. I learned to play an electric guitar. Then I formed a band and made rock my life.
B: We went underground — we performed at "parties," unofficial shows in hotels and restaurants. Things are different now. Rock has become commercialized, and the performers want to make money. Yet there is also a younger scene keeping the spirit alive.
B: Rock ’n’ roll is about equality. Some Chinese are slaves to Western culture: others look East. I say to hell with all of them and be yourself. That’s what I like about rock ’n’ roll. You can talk straight.


答案A: May I ask when did you start your rock ’n’ roll career? B:我的音乐旅程开始得很早。我的父亲是名号手,在我十四岁的时候便开始教我吹号。我的兴趣也真真正正地偏向古典。1983年,我加入了北京的一个交响乐团,在那里一待就是好几年。1985年情形发生了变化。在那年,威猛乐队(Wham!)在北京开了演唱会。一年后,我第一次听到了甲壳虫乐队的带子。那时,我开始学弹电子吉他。随后组建了自己的乐队,摇滚音乐便成了我的生命。 A: You remained silent for quite a while. Could you tell us what did you do then? B:我们转入了地下——在所谓的“派对”旅馆和餐厅非正式表演中出现。现在则不一样了。摇滚已经商业化,而表演者也要挣钱。然而还是有一群年轻人使摇滚的精神长盛不衰。 A:Some say that rock’n’roll conveys a way Of life.What do you make of it? B:摇滚音乐抒发的就是平等。有些中国人对西方文化俯首称臣,而有些则将目光移向东方。而我要说,去他们的吧!我就是我!这就是我喜爱摇滚的地方——你可以直抒胸臆。

