Every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected, gassed, burned and blinded in hidden laboratories on

admin2019-03-20  72

问题     Every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected, gassed, burned and blinded in hidden laboratories on college campus and research facilities throughout the U. S. Still more animals are used to test the safety of cosmetics, household cleansers and other consumer products. These innocent primates, dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals are used against their will as research subjects in experiments and procedures that would be considered sadistically cruel were they not conducted in the name of science. Researchers claim that they must be allowed unfettered access to animals for experiments in order to finds cures for human diseases, yet they refuse to address the serious ethical problems of torturing sentient creatures for research purposes. On top of that, over-reliance on animal experimentation has historically hindered scientific advancement and endangered human safety because results from animal research typically cannot be applied to humans. In fact, scientist could save more human lives by using humane non- animal research and testing methods that are more accurate and efficient.


答案 在美国每年都有成千上万的动物在大学校园和研究机构秘密实验室里遭遇解剖,感染,注射,毒气,烧伤和失明。还有更多的动物被用来测试化妆品,家用清洁剂和其他消费产品的安全性。这些无辜的灵长类动物,狗啊,猫啊,老鼠啊等,有违他们的意愿被用作实验和项目的研究对象,而这些实验和项目,假如不是借用科学的名义,又是多么的扭曲和残忍。研究人员声称,为了发现治疗人类疾病的方法,他们必须被允许自由地利用动物进行实验,他们拒绝讨论为了研究目的而折磨有感觉的动物这一严重的道德问题。最重要的是,过度依靠动物实验从历史上来说已经阻碍了科学的进步,威胁了人类的安全,因为从专门通过动物研究而得到的成果并不能适应人类。事实上,科学家通过使用人道的非动物研究和更准确有效的测试方法能挽救更多人的性命。

