
admin2011-01-10  45

In some professions, such as designing, translating and computer programming, telecommuting is now passible. People can work at home for some-or-all-of the week and communicate by computer, telephone and faxes. An advantage of this is that it saves them from the stress of commuting to the workplace. It also allows them to plan their own time. On the other hand. it is difficult for some people to focus on work when they are at home. The refrigerator. TV and their children often distract them.
There are always consequences to a medical breakthrough. Take the example of the birth control pill, which became available in the 1960s and is now "old news". This gave women more control over their bodies and allowed for population growth control. But it also caused people to question their beliefs about gender roles, sex. freedom and the family. It contributed to enormous social change worldwide. Has this been a good thing? The answer reflects each person’s religion, culture and personal value.


答案 每次的医学突破总会伴随着负面影响,譬如说避孕药丸,它产生于20世纪60年代,现在已经不算什么新闻了。它使妇女能够更多地控制自己的身体,也有利于控制人口增长。但它也导致人们开始对性别角色、性、自由和家庭的观念产生怀疑。它给全世界带来巨大的社会变化。这是好事吗?答案反映了每个人的宗教、文化和个人价值观。

