Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very honoured to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience of university pre

admin2010-01-10  29

问题     Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I am very honoured to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience of university presidents, vice-chancellors and accomplished scholars from around the world. I must congratulate theAssociation of University Presidents of China on its achievements since its establishment in 1997. [TONE]∥[TONE]
    It is the first association of its kind, and it will be a strong force for enhancing academic cooperationbetween Hong Kong and the mainland and between China and the world. I also applaud the Associationfor organising this meaningful event which draws together so many top brains from around the world. Thesynergy it generates will point the way for the development of the global tertiary education sector into thenext century. [TONE]∥[TONE]
    Today, whilst innovation and technology are the driving force of the world and fuel its engine, it is thepeople that make the engines work. We wish to see in our younger generation an all-round developmentcovering ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics. We wish to see in our younger generations theability to assimilate modern technology and ideas. [TONE]∥[TONE]
    We wish to see in our younger generation creativity, critical thinking and a global outlook. We wishto see in our younger generation a strength of character, a spirit of enterprise, the desire for continuousimprovement and the versatility to cope with the changing needs of our community. And we wish to see inour younger generation a sense of responsibility towards one’s own family, one’s own community, one’s owncountry and indeed the world. [TONE]∥[TONE]
    In Hong Kong we strongly believe education enables us to cultivate these noble qualities in our nextgeneration. Education also creates and expands the pool of talents to maintain Hong Kong’s economicdevelopment and international competitiveness. That is why education is always one of our top priorities and continues to be the single biggest item of the Government’s budget, accounting for 19% of our total public recurrent expenditure. Despite the economic downturn, public expenditure on education will have about 8%growth in real terms in this fiscal year. [TONE]∥[TONE]
    Our best universities are among the top ten in the region, and our best students are among the best in theworld. However, the success ofHong Kong lies in our flexibility to respond to changes and our determinationfor improvement. We have to inject new life into the whole education sector. To achieve this, we areundergoing major reforms in our education system, our examination system, our education regulators, ourschools, our teachers and, above all, our attitude towards education. [TONE]∥[TONE]
    Education is a continuum. The inputs into the tertiary sector are the outputs from the school sector. Wehope that several years down the road, the tertiary sector is able to reap the benefits from our reforms in thebasic education sector which we are now embarking on. But universities cannot simply wait. They have toensure that their current outputs, that is, their graduates and their research work, meet the aspirations of thecommunity. [TONE]∥[TONE]   


答案女士们、先生们, 非常荣幸有机会为来自世界各地的著名大学的校长、副校长和成绩卓著的研究学者做演讲。我要向中国大学校长联合会表示祝贺,自1997年成立以来它取得了很多的成绩。 这样的组织以前是没有的,而且它也将是加强香港与大陆、中国与世界之间学术合作的一支重要力量。我也非常欢迎联合会组织了这次有意义的活动,把众多顶尖人才从世界各地聚集到了这里。它所形成的共识必将为新世纪全球高等教育的发展指明方向。 今天,尽管创新与科技仍是世界发展的动力,像是驱动引擎的燃料,但真正使引擎工作的还是人。我们希望看到年轻一代在道德情操、智力水平、身体素质、社交技能以及审美情趣方面得到全面发展。我们希望看到年轻一代能够把现代科技与思想理念结合起来。 我们希望看到年轻一代具备创造性、批判式的思维,以及全球的视角。我们也希望看到年轻一代具备坚强的性格、创新的精神和精益求精的愿望,具备应对社会不断变化需求的复合能力。我们希望看到年轻一代对家庭、对社会、对国家、对世界的责任感。 在香港,我们坚信教育能够培养年轻一代具备这些素质,同时教育也创造了人才,扩充了人才队伍,从而保持了香港的经济发展和国际竞争力。因此,教育一直是我们的重中之重,而且仍会享受政府最大的预算支出,占全部公共性经常指出的19%。尽管经济出现了下滑,但公共教育支出在本财政年度仍将增加8%。 香港最优秀的大学在本地区位居前十名,香港优秀的毕业生在世界上也是出类拔萃。然而,香港的成功之处在于我们能够灵活地应对变化和追求进步的决心。我们必须要为整个教育领域注入新的活力。为此,我们进行了一系列重大改革,如教育体系、考试制度、教育管理部门、各类学校、师资,以及最最重要的——我们对教育的态度。 教育具有连续性,中等教育的产出就是高等教育的投入。我们希望经过几年的努力奋斗,高等教育能够从正在着手的基础教育改革中获益。但是大学也不能仅仅被动等待,必须要确保目前的产出,也就是说,他们的毕业生和科研要满足社会的期望。

