
admin2017-11-20  154

问题     画家的作品总有些出人意料之处,每一个系列都有一个明显的变化,大到意境,小到技巧。但正如许多人所感受到的,他的许多画作蕴含了中国古文化的韵味,或清新雅致或气势雄浑、或温润飘逸,笔端总能读迅古意与古风。画家以风景人画,所画山水都在西部,树、山、水,多显现出特定的地域风貌。与东部一平如镜相比,他似乎更喜欢西部的大起大落。他画大山大水,也有剪裁得当的小幅作品。几个系列画下来,画得越多,也就画得越深入,虽然没有长期停留在西部的经历,但是敏锐与善思却帮助他很快从风景表象进入精神内涵。他找到了自然风景的真实,也找到了自己独特的表现途径。他的画风逐渐变得简约而内敛,内心变得平和与淡定,可是在看似轻松的表象下,内在的分量却在增加。


答案 The works of Zhang Lanjun are always beyond expectations: each of his series shows a striking change in artistic mood or technique. However, as is commonly felt, many of his works are invariably permeated with the flavor of traditional Chinese culture: some are fresh and chaste, some bold and vigorous, some gentle and graceful. The scenes Zhang Lanjun paints, such as trees, mountains and rivers, are in the west, taking on specific geographical features. Compared with the flatness of the east, he seems more inclined to the roughness of the west; he depicts the boundless landscapes together with well-composed isolated side scenes. The more he paints, the more he paints in depth. Though his stay in the west is not long, he penetrates into the spiritual aspects of the scenes with keen and insightful perspective. He has found the truth of natural scenery in his unique way of expression: his style is more reduced and unassertive; his inner self is more tranquil and restful. Yet underneath the seeming ease is found ever intensifying force.

