郭沫若是中国新诗的奠基人,是中国现代著名学者、历史学家和书法家。郭沫若的诗作因巧妙运用比喻技巧而脍炙人口,其书法艺术上的探索与实践也历时70余年,以行草(running script)见长,笔力爽劲洒脱,运转变通,韵味无穷。民族危难之时,其诗词创作常与书法

admin2015-08-31  43

问题     郭沫若是中国新诗的奠基人,是中国现代著名学者、历史学家和书法家。郭沫若的诗作因巧妙运用比喻技巧而脍炙人口,其书法艺术上的探索与实践也历时70余年,以行草(running script)见长,笔力爽劲洒脱,运转变通,韵味无穷。民族危难之时,其诗词创作常与书法相结合,笔墨间包含了深厚的文化底蕴和自强不息的民族精神。新中国成立之后,郭沫若在繁重的国事之余仍然喜欢从事书法创作,书法作品数量之多,影响之广,少有出其右者。


答案 Guo Moruo is the founder of new Chinese poetry and a well-known scholar, historian and calligrapher. In his poetry the metaphors are so clever that his poetry win a wide popularity. He also spent more than 70 years on calligraphy, and was good at running script, which was free, flexible and attractive. When the nation was trapped in trouble, he always combined his poetry with calligraphy, where there was full of profound cultural background and unyielding national spirit. After the founding of new China, Guo Moruo still enjoyed calligraphy creation when wrapped in heavy national affairs. It is difficult to find anyone who could surpass him in terms of the number and influence of calligraphy works.

