我自然知道,大山有坎坷,大海有浪涛,大漠有风沙,森林有猛兽。即便这样,我依然喜欢。 打破生活的平静便是另一番景致,一种属于年轻的景致。真庆幸,我还没有老。即便真老了又怎么样,不是有句话叫老当益壮吗? 于是,我还想从大山那里学习深刻,我还想从

admin2015-05-24  78

问题     我自然知道,大山有坎坷,大海有浪涛,大漠有风沙,森林有猛兽。即便这样,我依然喜欢。


答案 So, I would like to learn about depth from big mountains, to learn about bravery from the sea, to learn about calmness from the desert, and also to learn about resourcefulness from the forest. I want to learn to savor the colorfulness of life. How far can a person go? This is a question one should ask his ambition rather than his feet. How high can a person climb? This is a matter to be determined not by his hands, but by his will. So, I wish to set a lofty, ambitious goal for myself with my warm, youthful blood, not only in pursuit of honor, but also to attain an ideal state. If I manage to reach the goal, I’d have honor; even if the goal eventually proves to be unattainable, my life would have been enriched and fulfilled because of all the hardships and efforts along the eventful journey. In my opinion, with such a goal, I would not have spent my life in vain.

