北京,是中华民族的远祖——“北京人”——的故乡;同时也是世界闻名的文化古城。三千多年前,这里已是周朝封国——燕国——的都城。公元十世纪后,辽、金、元、明、清五个封建王朝以此作为陪都或国都。1949年中华人民共和国成立,定北京为首都。 在漫长的历史进

admin2011-01-11  38

问题    北京,是中华民族的远祖——“北京人”——的故乡;同时也是世界闻名的文化古城。三千多年前,这里已是周朝封国——燕国——的都城。公元十世纪后,辽、金、元、明、清五个封建王朝以此作为陪都或国都。1949年中华人民共和国成立,定北京为首都。


答案 Beijing is the hometown of Peking Man, the forefather of the Chinese people, and a cultural city of world renown. It was the capital of the state of Yan, a principality of the Zhou Dynasty, as early as over 3,000 years ago. Beginning from the 10th century, it was the secondary capital or the national capital of the five dynasties of Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing. In 1949, Beijing again became the capital of the People’s Republic of China. In the long course of history, different cultures of the many ethnic groups in this treasured land of Beijing were integrated to show a special Beijing charm that is unique from other places in China. The magnificent palaces, the imposing city walls and gatetowers, the labyrinth of streets and lanes, the unsophisticated local customs, the distinctive shops and vendor’s booths — Everything in Beijing with its unique charm never fails to attract visitors to Beijing and make them talk about it with great relish.

解析 1.北京人Peking Man
    [分析] 基本素质采分点。
    此处“北京人”指的是北京猿人,因此有其固定译法Peking Man。
2.1949年中华人民共和国成立,定北京为首都。In 1949, Beijing again became the capital of the People’s Republic of China.
    [分析] 理解结构采分点。
    原文中“定北京为首都”是被动的语态,翻成英文时加入了Beijing again became the capital的表达,是一种主动态,这样有将北京拟人化的效果,使句子生动。
3.漫长的历史进程中,各民族不同的文化在这块宝地上相互渗透交融,孕育成一种特有的北京韵味。In the long course of history, different cultures of the many ethnic groups in this treasured land of Beijing were integrated to show a special Beijing charm that is unique from other places in China.
    [分析] 基本素质采分点。
    “民族”应翻译成“ethnic groups”,不用nationalities。“北京韵味”指的是北京的迷人之处,不宜翻译成“flavor”,而应该用“Beijing charm"。增译定语从句that is unique from other places in China部分可以对原文“特有的北京韵味”进行强调说明。
4.金碧辉煌的宫阙殿堂,那雄伟壮丽的城墙门楼,那纵横交错的大街小巷,那淳朴憨厚的民风民俗,以及那些充满地方色调的店铺摊贩。The magnificent palaces, the imposing city walls and gatetowers, the labyrinth of streets and lanes, the unsophisticated local customs, the distinctive shops and vendor’s booths.
    [分析] 选词用词采分点。
5.北京,无一时,无一处,无一事不令人流连怀念,津津乐道。Everything in Beijing with its unique charm never fails to attract visitors to Beijing and make them talk about it with great relish.
    [分析] 理解结构采分点。
    原文中的“无一时,无一处,无一事”仅是起到强调北京独特韵味的作用,不必每句都直译出来,翻成everything in Beijing即可。
