Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and renewable energy in the interim pending when renewable energy c

admin2022-11-16  105

问题     Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and renewable energy in the interim pending when renewable energy can stand alone as major source of energy globally. This was the view of the Chief Executive Officer, Lekoil, Lekan Akinyanmi, while speaking on the side-lines of the World Economic Forum’s yearly meeting at Davos.
    Globally, there has been an increase in calls for reduction of fossil fuel consumption which environmentalists have indicted for greenhouse gas emission. "It is possible to keep an oil and gas company sustainable. The first thing we have got to do is to stop denying that there is an issue." Indeed, there is an issue, Akinyanmi said. "The change over from fossil fuel to alternative energy or cleaner fuels is a multi-decade or probably multi-century thing. The fossil fuel industry will still be relevant. What we need to do is to figure out ways to be responsible in the fossil fuel production and consumption process." Historically, a lot of fossil fuel companies have produced oil and flared the gas. But it is actually the gas that is more efficient. It’s friendlier to the environment, so we need to shift our attention there. From our perspective as Lekoil one of the things that helps us is that, a good chunk of our portfolio is actually gas so we are actually well on our way.
    Energy analysts suggest that the renewable energy market will grow at a cumulative average growth rate of 7.6% between 2020 and 2025 to reach 3,812 gigawatts by 2025. Rising investment and improvement in technology has seen a drastic improvement in renewable energy output. Between 2020 and 2025, the United States and other developed countries are scaling up investments in renewable energy. However, The Asia Pacific region is emerging as the fastest-growing market for renewable energy globally, accounting for nearly 27% of the global market share. Within the Asia Pacific, China and India together form the leading renewable energy markets having almost 75% of the installed capacity of renewable energy.
    I think we will make our way through this. Unfortunately, I think there is a lot of brinkmanship. "We actually do need an energy mix to solve the world’s energy problems. In the interim there will be discontinuities, the pendulum will swing both ways. But it is shortsighted to just ignore the fossil fuel industry and move to the renewable energy industry or vice versa. We need a portfolio that mixes both energy sources," Akinyanmi said.
Which the following is true according to Paragraph 2?

选项 A、It is possible to replace fossil fuels with cleaner fuels now.
B、Fossil fuels are more efficient and environmentally friendly.
C、Environmentalists hold that fossil fuels produce greenhouse gas.
D、The perfect source of renewable energy has been found.


解析 根据题干关键词Paragraph 2可定位至文章第二段。该段第一句提出Globally, there has been an increase in calls for reduction of fossil fuel consumption which environmentalists have indicted for greenhouse gas emission(在全球范围内,要求减少化石燃料消耗的呼声越来越高,环境保护主义者已将其归咎于温室气体排放),也就是说环保主义者认为化石燃料会产生温室气体,故在全球范围内呼吁减少化石燃料的消耗,故选项C为正确答案。第二段第五句提到The change over from fossil fuel to alternative energy or cleaner fuels is a multi-decade or probably multi-century thing. (从化石燃料到替代能源或更清洁的燃料的转变是几十年甚至可能是几百年的事情),由此可知,想要转化成更清洁的能源需要几十年甚至上百年的时间,当下还不可行,故选项A错误;第二段第八至十句提到Historically, a lot of fossil fuel companies have produced oil and flared the gas. But it is actually the gas that is more efficient. (从历史上看,很多化石燃料公司都生产石油和天然气。但实际上天然气效能更高,它对环境更友好),由此可看出,文中提到的是天然气更环保,而不是化学燃料,故排除B项;D项“我们已经找到完美的可再生能源”原文并未提及,应排除。
