A、In the early 1880s. B、Several decades. C、In 1861. D、In 1865. D题目问战争结束的时间,文中提到“When the war began in 1861,most Americans believ

admin2013-02-24  32

The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and the South. The differences had their beginnings in the early 1800s. Tensions continued to grow for several decades. When the war began in 1861, most Americans believed the conflict would not last long. Instead, it stretched into four years of bloody fight (29) . In the end, more Americans died in the Civil War than in any war the nation had fought.
    The disagreements between the North and the South centered on the following five issues: slavery, tariffs, taxes, political power in the House of Representative, and the political power in the Senate (30) . People in the North had strong feelings about each of these issues. So did the people in the South. Each side had reasons for the way it felt.
    Many people in the North did not believe in slavery. They thought the people of the South should not own slaves. Although some southerners opposed slavery, most felt they needed slaves to raise cotton and tobacco, which were the pillar economy. on the other hand, the North’s economy was based on manufacturing industry not plantation agriculture The northerners opposed slavery in the South since they had not enough people to work in their factories and wanted to get human resources (31) . In the end the North won the war and the Union was saved.

选项 A、In the early 1880s.
B、Several decades.
C、In 1861.
D、In 1865.


解析 题目问战争结束的时间,文中提到“When the war began in 1861,most Americans believed the conflict would not last long.Instead,it stretched into four years of bloody fight(战争是1861年爆发的,大部分美国人都觉得不会持续太久的。但是没想到血腥的战争持续了四年之久) ”,可见结束时间是1865年。
