反恐 恐怖主义是国际社会的一大公害,严重威胁着世界的和平与稳定。中国一贯反对一切形式的恐怖主义。无论恐怖主义发生在何时、何地、针对何人,以何种方式出现,国际社会都应采取一致立场,坚决予以谴责和打击。中国积极参与国际反恐合作。中国已参加了绝大多数国际

admin2018-08-12  39

问题     反恐


答案 Fight Against Terrorism Terrorism is a common scourge/ curse to the international/ global community and a serious menace/ threat to global peace and stability. China opposes/ has always been opposed to all forms of terrorism/ terrorism in all its manifestations. No matter when, where or in what form terrorism strikes, and no matter against whom it is directed, it should be met with condemnation and counter strikes by the international community taking a unified position thereon (Regardless of the time, place or form of an attack, and irrespective of its target, the international community should be unified in denouncing and counterattacking the terrorists). China has taken an active part in international cooperation against terrorism. In addition to joining most international conventions against terrorism, China has ratified (is a signatory to) the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism concluded by the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. China stands for a primary role/ the leading role by the United Nations and its Security Council in the international efforts against terrorism. China supports the relevant resolutions they have adopted and closer cooperation and co-ordination among the various countries to this end. China strongly believes/ maintains/ holds that military actions against terrorism should have clearly defined targets and avoid any harm done to the innocent, and should refrain from a double standard/ dual criteria. All such actions should be consistent with (must conform to) the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other universally recognized norms of international law, and should serve the long-term interests of peace in the region and the world at large. China believes that terrorism is a tiny fringe of extreme evil, representing neither any ethnic group nor any religion (China views terrorists as a small evil element divorced from any religious or ethnic group. ). Therefore, they must not be lumped together. China is also threatened by terrorism. The "Eastern Turkestan" terrorist forces are trained, equipped and financed by international terrorist organizations. The fight against the " Eastern Turkestan" group is an important aspect of the international fight against terrorism.

