女士们、先生们: 早上好!应邀出席本届华商大会,我感到很荣幸。墨尔本的华人企业家曾经与澳大利亚其他城市的华人企业家竞争,才取得了第五届世界华商大会的主办权。今天,在澳大利亚的每一个大城市里,都有一个朝气蓬勃的华人社群。这些华人社群不再集中在唐人街,

admin2018-07-31  41

问题 女士们、先生们:


答案 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! It is my great honor to be invited to this Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention. Chinese entrepreneurs in Melbourne had to vie with their counterparts in other Australian cities to host the 5th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention. In every major Australian city today, there is a vibrant Chinese community which is no longer concentrated in its Chinatown. They have spread into suburbia and are well-represented in business, the professions, the universities, and, increasingly, in state and federal politics. It is the same trend in other parts of the world. An outstanding example is the role of Chinese immigrants in California’s Silicon Valley. Writing in the Wall Street Journal on June 24 1999, a professor from the University of California in Berkeley described how Asian immigrants working as entrepreneurs are helping to reshape the Valley and, nearly 25% of the high-tech companies started since 1980 are run by ethnic Chinese and Indian immigrants. Chinese immigrants alone accounted for over 17%. These figures probably understate the contributions of immigrant entrepreneurs many of whom work for companies run by the American-born entrepreneurs. In recent years, more of these companies are run by Asians. Asian immigrants in the Valley are not only strong technically: they are also recognized for their managerial abilities. What is happening in Silicon Valley is gradually spreading to other parts of North America. All over the world, Chinese entrepreneurs are playing a growing role in the global economy. Wherever they are, Chinese maintain certain of their basic values — extended family ties, a strong work ethic, high saving habits, a desire to excel in education, and a sense of obligation to family and friends. The tenacity of Chinese culture is quite independent of the political system, which is one reason why the Chinese civilization has lasted so long. The industry of the Chinese, their natural bent for science and mathematics, and their ability to maintain strong networks across the oceans, position them for the knowledge-based economy of the 21st century. The growing prominence of Chinese scientists, software engineers and entrepreneurs in the high-tech areas on both sides of the Pacific is an indication of this trend. While many features of the Chinese value system are well suited to the present-day economy, some are not. When an enterprise grows beyond a certain point, its operations become more complicated. The willingness to recruit talent widely and to use them in trusted positions becomes essential if the enterprise is to stay relevant. But often, this need comes up against the fear that the founding family will lose control. For the next century, it is important for Chinese-owned enterprises to break away from family control and be professionally run. This is particularly necessary in businesses which are complex and need to hunt internationally for talent. To develop world-class enterprises in finance and high technology, professional managers must be given the latitude to decide how to respond to changing circumstances. Now, making this transition from family control to professional control is not easy. It runs against deep cultural instincts. Chinese enterprises which are not able to make this leap will not be able to compete in the global market. In Southeast Asia, this is a historical process which has gone through many twists and turns since the Second World War. In Thailand today, a majority of Thai Members of Parliament are Sino-Thai. And in Thailand and the Philippines, ethnic Chinese and indigenous people intermingle freely at all levels of society in both public and private sectors. Many inter-marry. More and more Chinese are participating in local and national politics in Australasia, in North America and Latin America. As these Chinese communities strike deeper roots in their new homelands, there will be less discomfort when Chinese entrepreneurs co-operate across national boundaries in a globalized economy. Finally, let me wish you a successful convention in Melbourne.

