中国传统医学有着数千年的悠久历史,它承载着中国古代人民同各种疾病作斗争的宝贵经验和理论知识。相传神农氏是中医的创始人,他曾亲尝百草,并从中选取了数百种作为药物。约2 500年前,随着《黄帝内经》的问世,中医的历史才真正开始。中医认为,人类生活在自然中,自然

admin2015-12-25  25

问题     中国传统医学有着数千年的悠久历史,它承载着中国古代人民同各种疾病作斗争的宝贵经验和理论知识。相传神农氏是中医的创始人,他曾亲尝百草,并从中选取了数百种作为药物。约2 500年前,随着《黄帝内经》的问世,中医的历史才真正开始。中医认为,人类生活在自然中,自然提供给人类赖以生存的环境,所以人体会直接或问接地受到自然环境变化的影响,并产生相应的反应。因此,中医旨在以辩证的方法医治每位病人,对症下药。


答案 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has an origin of several thousand years, which carries invaluable experience and theoretical knowledge of the ancient Chinese people when they struggled against all kinds of diseases. It is said that Shen Nong Shi was the founding father of traditional Chinese medicine. He sampled countless herbs, selecting hundreds of them for use as medicines. The formal history of TCM starts about 2 500 years ago with the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. According to TCM, man lives in nature, and nature provides the conditions indispensable to man’s survival. Thus the human body is bound to be affected directly or indirectly by the changes of nature, to which the human body, in turn, makes corresponding responses. So it aims to treat each patient dialectically, with prescriptions tailored to the individual patient’s condition.

