
admin2021-05-28  72

问题   中国传统画家的目标在于不仅要描绘主体的外观,还要捕捉其内在本质——活力、生命力和精神。他们用最经济的手段——毛笔和墨水——实现了这一点。为了实现这一目标,中国传统画家往往拒绝使用彩色。如同喜欢拍摄黑白作品的摄影师,中国传统艺术家认为彩色会分散注意力。他们还拒绝使用具有多变性的光和影。与之相反,他们依靠笔墨留下了不可磨灭的(indelible)痕迹——线条。中国传统画家之所以精通这种绘画技术,原因可能在于他们前期的书法(calligraphy)训练。


答案  This is the aim of traditional Chinese painters; not only to describe the outer appearance of a subject but also to capture its inner essence—its energy, life force and spirit. They achieve this with the most economical means: brushes and ink. In order to reach this goal, they tend to reject the use of color. Like photographers who prefer to work in black and white, traditional Chinese artists regard color as the distraction. They also reject the use of light and shadow, which have changeable qualities. Instead, they rely on the line—the indelible mark of the brush and the ink. The reason why traditional Chinese painters can master this skill likely lies in their previous practice of calligraphy.

解析       1.第一句较长,可按汉语词序译成The aim of sb. is to do sth.,也可采用参考译文的处理方式:先用代词This指代“目标”的具体内容,然后用冒号引出“目标”的具体内容。后一种处理方式更能强调“目标”的具体内容。“主体”可译为subject;“外观”和“内在本质”可分别译为outer appearance和inner essence;“生命力”可译为life force。
      2.第二句中,“毛笔和墨水”为“最经济的手段”的同位语,为使句子结构平衡,翻译时可将“用最经济的手段……墨水”处理为with引导的介词短语作状语,其中可用冒号引出同位语。整句即用achieve sth. with sth.来翻译。“最经济的手段”也可用the most economical of means来表达;“毛笔”可译为brushes。
      3.第三句中,“往往做某事”可用more often than not do sth.或tend to do sth.来表达;“拒绝做某事”可用reject sth.来表达。本句中,需要将动词“使用”转译为名词结构the use of。
      4.第四句中,根据TT翻译法,可将“中国传统艺术家认为彩色会分散注意力”处理为主干,将“如同喜欢拍摄黑白作品的摄影师”处理为介词短语作状语。“喜欢拍摄黑白作品的”用来修饰“摄影师”,可处理为限制性定语从句,译为who prefer to work in black and white,意思明确而简洁;“认为彩色会分散注意力”即“认为彩色是分散注意力的事物”,可译为regard color as the distraction。
      5.第六句中的“与之相反”可用Instead、In contrast或By contrast 来表达。
      6. 末句中,“之所以……原因可能在于……”可译为The reason why…likely lies in…。
