下面你将听到一段有关“中美外交关系”的对话。 A:1972年,中美两国领导人以其远见卓识和非凡魄力,开启了长期封闭的中美关系大门。// B: Yes. It was a historical event. In the past years sin

admin2018-08-31  16

问题     下面你将听到一段有关“中美外交关系”的对话。
B: Yes.   It was a historical event.   In the past years since we established diplomatic ties, our bilateral relations have weathered storms and moved forward.   //
B: You can say that again! Both China and the US paid a heavy price for their mutual hostility lasting twenty-three years from 1949 to 1971. In contrast, in the thirty years since China and the US renewed contact in 1972, both sides have benefited tremendously from our cooperation despite twists and turns.   //
B: The tremendous benefits come right from the mutual interest as the bedrock of our cooperation. American companies   bring   to   China  their  capital,   advanced   technology   and   managerial expertise. In return, China’s abundant human resources and huge market provide for American companies enormous business opportunities.   //
B: I have no doubt that the coming 30 years will add more radiance to the blossom of China-US friendship, which will be passed on from generation to generation. Let our two countries and two peoples join hands and work closely together to build a better future for China-US relations.  //


答案A: In 1972, the leaders of China and the United States, with their outstanding vision and remarkable courage, opened the door of China-US relations that had remained closed for many years. B:是的。那是一件历史大事。中美建交这么多年来,两国关系历经风雨而前行。 A: A review of the history of China-US relations over the past half century or more since the founding of the People’s Republic leads us to the conclusion that China and the United States both gain from peaceful coexistence, and lose from conflicts. B:完全同意。从1949年到1971年,中美敌对23年,双方都付出了沉重代价。相反,从1972年到现在,中美恢复关系30年,尽管有曲折,但双方都从合作中获得了巨大好处。 A: Absolutely. At the time the Shanghai Communique was issued in 1972, trade between China and the United States was virtually zero. Now, our two-way trade has exceeded 100 billion US dollars. B:巨大的好处来自两国有共同的利益,这是合作的基础。美国企业给中国带来了资金、先进技术和管理经验。而中国丰富的人力资源和广阔的市场给美国企业带来巨大的商机。 A: Furthermore, Chinese enterprises supply US consumers with large quantities of inexpensive and quality consumer goods. Today, the US has become China’s second largest trading partner and the biggest investor in China, whereas for the US, China is the third largest trading partner and the fastest growing export market. B:我相信,再过30年,中美友谊之花一定会绽放得更加姹紫嫣红,两国人民的友谊一定会世代相传!让我们两国和两国人民,更加紧密地携起手来,共同创造中美关系更加美好的未来!

