
admin2021-02-24  11

问题     为了躲避人们的皮鞋和车轮,有许多野菜躲到了林里、坡地和树林边的铁路下,只留下那些固执、坚韧的野菜在路边坚守和抵抗。但对那些可以找到它们并能慧眼识珠的人,它们总是报以开怀的嫩绿和鲜艳明丽的各色花朵。它们通过你的采摘和赠予的无票旅行,来到餐桌上,并不是一种宿命的轮回,而是一种生命更新的替代。关于这个生命轮回的哲学命题,野菜们的实践,要比我们空洞的思考和议论更为深刻和实在。所以,任何走进厨房和走上餐桌的野菜,即使赴汤蹈火,也没有对我们存有任何的恶意和仇恨,反而会以更为旺盛的生命回报我们对它们的慧眼识珠和采摘。它们比我们更明白,伟大的生命必然经历最有价值的轮回。


答案Picked and traveling with people, wild vegetables come to our table, not as a fated cycle but as a kind of renewal of life. On the philosophical proposition of life cycle, wild vegetables are living proof which is more profound and straightforward than human beings, superficial thinking and discussion. In this sense, wild vegetables, who dare to walk into the kitchen and step on to the dining-table, despite fire and boiling water, never have grievance and resentment against human beings. Instead, they will reward us with vigorous life for spotting and picking them wittily. They know better than us that great life is bound to experience the most valuable cycle.

解析 1.本文选自阎连科的《走在别人的路上——阎连科语思录》,画线部分共有四句话,语言富有哲理、形象生动,在翻译时应注意保持这种风格。
2.第一句的主语是“它们”,指的是野菜,翻译时可保留“野菜”为主语,使用拟人的修辞手法。“宿命的轮回”可译为a fated cycle,“生命更新的替代”可译为a kind of renewal of life。
3.第二句中的“关于……的哲学命题”,可译为On the philosophical proposition of life cycle;“野菜们的实践,要比我们空洞的思考和议论更为深刻和实在”,此句可以理解为野菜本身就是这一命题的证明,译为wild vegetables are living proof。后半部分是与人类的思考和议论作比较,可用定语从句表达,译为which is more profound and straightforward than…,“空洞的思考和议论”可译为superficial thinkingand discussion。
4.第三句中的“所以”并不是上一句的结果,而是承接上文的意思,可用in this sense连接。此句主语仍然是野菜,“走进厨房和走上餐桌的”可译为修饰野菜的定语从句who dare to walk into the kitchen andstep on to the dining-table,“即使赴汤蹈火”做主句的让步状语,译为despite fire and boiling water。“反而会……”这句话可用instead作为转折,译为they will reward us with vigorous life,“对它们的慧眼识珠和采摘”可译为spotting and picking them wittily。
5.第四句中“它们比我们更明白”,可译为they know better than us that…;“必然……”可译为is boundto…。
