汉语水平考试(the HSK)于1992年正式成为我国国家级考试。它是为测试母语为非汉语者的汉语水平(proficiency)而设立的考试。它重点考查考生(examinee)在日常生活、学习和工作中运用汉语进行交流的能力。考试每年定期在国内和国外举行。目前

admin2019-04-20  13

问题     汉语水平考试(the HSK)于1992年正式成为我国国家级考试。它是为测试母语为非汉语者的汉语水平(proficiency)而设立的考试。它重点考查考生(examinee)在日常生活、学习和工作中运用汉语进行交流的能力。考试每年定期在国内和国外举行。目前,HSK共有50个国内考点和66个国外考点。这些考点通常设置在一些高等院校内。到目前为止,已有来自120多个国家的36万人次参加了HSK考试。


答案 The HSK was officially made a national test in China in 1992. It is to test Chinese proficiency for non-native Chinese speakers. It focuses on examining the examinees’ ability to communicate in Chinese in daily life, study and work. The test is held regularly at home and abroad every year. At present, there are 50 domestic test centers and 66 oversea ones, all of which can mainly be found in colleges and universities. So far, a total of 360 thousand examinees from over 120 countries have participated in the test.

解析 1.第1句“汉语水平考试……正式成为……”可逐字对译为The HSK officially became…,但不如译作the HSK was officially made…更贴切地表达人为之义。
2.在第2句中,“考试”的定语“为测试母语为非汉语者的汉语水平而设立的”太长,不宜将该句按汉语句式对译成主系表结构(it is a…test)。分析该句可知,其说明的是汉语水平考试(the HSK)的目的,故可将该定语处理成不定式短语to test Chinese proficiency for non-native Chinese speakers。全句处理成It is to test Chinese proficiency for non-native Chinese speakers。
3.仔细分析第5、6句可发现,两句意思的关联性较大,可将其合译,后一句可处理成前一句的非限制性定语从句,译作all of which can mainly be found in colleges and universities。
4.在最后一句中,“36万人次”的定语“来自120多个国家的”可用分词短语coming from over 120 countries来表达,但不如用介词短语from over 120 countries来表达更简洁。
