
admin2021-05-10  2

问题     我记忆中最痛苦的一件事,就是跟着母亲去集体的地里拣麦穗,看守麦田的人来了,拣麦穗的人纷纷逃跑。我母亲是小脚,跑不快,被捉住,那个身材高大的看守人煽了她一个耳光,她摇晃着身体跌倒在地,看守人没收了我们拣到的麦穗,吹着口哨扬长而去。我母亲嘴角流血,坐在地上,脸上那种绝望的神情使我终生难忘。多年之后,当那个看守麦田的人成为一个白发苍苍的老人,在集市上与我相逢,我冲上去想找他报仇,母亲拉住了我,平静地对我说:“儿子,那个打我的人,与这个老人,并不是一个人。”


答案My mother, who had bound feet, could not run; she was caught and slapped so hard by the watchman, a hulk of a man, that she fell to the ground. The watchman confiscated the wheat we’d gleaned and walked off whistling. As she sat on the ground, her lip bleeding, Mother wore a look of hopelessness I’ll never forget. Years later, when I encountered the watchman, then a gray-haired old man, in the marketplace, Mother had to stop me from going up to avenge her. "Son," she said calmly, "the man who hit me and this old man are not the same person."

解析 1.本文选自诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言的散文《讲故事的人》,属于一般文学作品。画线部分共有三句话,句子结构不算复杂,基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。此文平实朴素,译文应保持这种风格。
2.第一句由多个小短句组成,翻译时要根据语义和句子间的逻辑关系整合短句。“我母亲是小脚,跑不快”这句话中,“是小脚”是“跑不快”的原因.可译为定语从句修饰主语“母亲”。“那个身材高大的看守人煽了她一个耳光,她摇晃着身体跌倒在地”,这句中文有两个主语,但经过整合句子意思可知是母亲被扇耳光导致跌倒在地,不妨译为she was caught and slapped so hard by the watchman,a hulk of a man,that shefell to the ground。“身材高大的”译为a hulk of a man,作为插入语修饰这个看守人。“吹着口哨扬长而去”可译为walked off whistling,“吹着口哨”作“扬长而去”的伴随状语。
3.第二句中,“我母亲嘴角流血,坐在地上”可调整句子顺序,可将后半句译为时间状语从句As she sat onthe ground,“嘴角流血”处理为独立结构her lip bleeding接在从句后面。“脸上那种绝望的神情使我终生难忘”,不一定要用“神情”作主语,为了保持和从句的主语一致,可以继续用Mother作主语,不妨译为Mother wore a look of hopelessness I’ll never forget.使句子结构逻辑性更强。
4.第三句中,“当那个看守麦田的人成为一个白发苍苍的老人,在集市上与我相逢”按中文语序可译成whenthe watchman grew to a gray-haired old man,I encountered him in the marketplace。但这样的译文显得死板啰嗦,且这个看守人并非描述的重点,所以不妨译为when I encountered the watchman,thena gray-haired old man,in the marketplace。“母亲拉住了我……”可译为Mother had to stop mefrom going up to avenge her,“报仇”可以译为revenge或avenge,其中revenge是单纯出于对受到伤害的报复,而avenge有出于正义的报复之意,所以此处可选avenge一词。
