A: With the advancement in economy and technology, many countries across the globe begin to pay more and more attention to susta

admin2022-08-12  55

B: Yes, I’ve heard about it as well. One of my friends who lives in Shanghai told me that their waste sorting was very confusing, or rather "scary". Yes, that’s the word she used, because they classify the waste in a way that is challenging for people to correctly distinguish. The four main categories are residual waste, household waste, hazardous waste and recyclable waste.
B: I am not saying garbage sorting itself is not a good thing. However, it’s all about how you categorize the waste and how you implement the policy. Let me put it this way. Can you tell the difference between "residual waste" and "household waste", or rather literally speaking, "dry waste" and "wet waste"? Right now, in Shanghai, the most talked-about topic is "Which bin does it go?’
B: Yes, the naming is definitely the problem. People in Shanghai joke that the waste that can be fed to a pig is "wet waste" and the one cannot is "dry waste". Apart from the sorting policy itself, there is also an additional policy, which is every community has its own schedule for residents to take out the trash. Residents can only drop the waste in a designated area at certain time slots. Beyond the schedule, all the bins are closed.


答案A: With the advancement in economy and technology, many countries across the globe begin to pay more and more attention to sustainable development, and waste sorting plays an important role in sustainability. We all know that Japan has stringent regulations on waste sorting, and all the waste in Japan is meticulously sorted. In recent years, in an effort to preserve the environment and raise people’s standards of living, the Chinese government has also made it compulsory for people to sort their waste in 46 cities in China. Different cities have different stipulations on the categories, and the one in Shanghai is the most hotly debated. B:没错,我也听说了。我一个上海的朋友提到他们垃圾分类的方式让人特别困惑,甚至可以说“吓人”。没错。她用的就是“吓人”这个词,因为他们垃圾分类的标准对居民来说太难正确区分了。四大类别分别是干垃圾、湿垃圾、有害垃圾和可回收垃圾。 A: Well, if there are categories, why do they deem it "scary" to do waste sorting? Is it because the categories are not clearly defined or just simply because people haven’t developed such habit? Waste sorting itself is a very relevant policy. Implementing such policies is of great significance for improving people’s standards of living and city’s environment. B:不是说垃圾分类这件事没有益处,只是如何分类、如何执行政策真的很重要。这么跟你解释,从字面上理解的话,你能正确区分“干垃圾”和“湿垃圾”呜?目前上海人最常问的问题就是“这到底该倒进哪个垃圾桶啊?”。 A: I can see your point. The words "dry" and "wet", by the look of it, can be quite confusing. Besides, Chinese people were not that aware of waste sorting for a long time. Therefore, awareness campaign is equally important as well. B:是的,仅依据名称去分类确实不太明晰。现在上海人都这样打趣垃圾分类的,说猪能吃的就是湿垃圾,不能吃的就是干垃圾。除了垃圾分类政策,还有附加政策。每个小区居民倒垃圾需要遵循一个时间表,大家只能在特定时间段把垃圾扔到特定区域。其余时间垃圾桶都是锁起来的。 A: Actually, currently, waste sorting is being implemented very well in Shanghai. Each community assigns dedicated people to guide residents to distinguish the waste. I am sure the correct sorting habit will be formed as time goes by.

