美中经济与安全评估委员会星期三出具了一份156页的报告,对中国公司的在美投资做了充满警惕的描述。它宣称来自中国的大型投资给美国制造的经济和安全风险就像“潜在的特洛伊木马”,这样的比喻颇令我们震惊。 一个简单的反应是:美国在华投资规模要大得多,很多公

admin2020-01-19  67

问题     美中经济与安全评估委员会星期三出具了一份156页的报告,对中国公司的在美投资做了充满警惕的描述。它宣称来自中国的大型投资给美国制造的经济和安全风险就像“潜在的特洛伊木马”,这样的比喻颇令我们震惊。


答案 An American committee, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (UCESRC) issued a 156-page report on Wednesday, which gives detailed descriptions on Chinese companies’ investments in the US. It claims the security and economic risks posed by China’ s large-scale investments as a "potential Trojan horse", which shocked us. A simple reaction: the US’s investment in China is of a much larger scale. Many companies have closeties with Washington. If we use the logic in the report, there is a great number of "Trojan horses" in China. Unexpectedly, Chinese people have turned a blind eye to these "Trojan horses" these years and local governments in China are busy courting foreign investment. If so, Chinese people should be wary of these "Trojan horses" and find out their potential threat. What counts is that China doesn’t have an organization like the UCESRC, which does nothing but destroy opportunities for mutual economic cooperation. Even if there were such a commission which issues a similar report, saying that Microsoft and IBM may overthrow China, those who have written the report would be condemned. The mentality with which China and the US see each other is changing. The Chinese, who have worried about US’ s ambition of subjugating China, have become positive, if not blindly so. However, the Americans, who had no fear in the past, have become over sensitive, speculating as to the motives of Chinese companies. We don’t know whether these concerns are genuine, or whether the accusations are just a disguise for trade protectionism. Globalization has affected the international distribution of industries. The US, which used to be at the top of the chain, is gradually feeling a sense of crisis. Chinese companies, which used to help their Western counterparts lower costs and boost efficiency, began to compete with them in terms of technology and investment. They are considered to be taking away the very interests of the US and the West and posing a threat to their core competitiveness. It is not clear how such a mentality connects with the Wednesday report, but such a mentality is spreading throughout the West, including in American elites. We can bear their appearance, but China cannot make one-sided sacrifices to eliminate it. If these suspicions became actions, it means that the free trade system would lose a key domino and that the Chinese-funded enterprises will be bullied and national interests are infringed. America should restrain panic in face of competitions and challenges and dishonest means to help do mestic companies overcome difficulties by means of "security methods". America need to be honest to face the upgrade industries in emerging countries. It is so strong that it has more maneuvering room. If the US wants to remain as the world No. 1, it can only rely on its real strength rather than opportunism. As a developing country whose GDP gross is less than half of America, China even earnestly talks how to compete properly with America, which makes us surprised and even embarrassed. The US actually should not be opportunistic because it has exact capital, so it should appear as a superpower. On Wednesday, the US International Trade Commission decided to issue anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders against China’s photovoltaic industry. China will certainly respond. If the US is indeed in decline, then these two commissions referred in this artrcle are not prohibitors of this decline, but accomplices to this.

