Good morning! I’m so excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at such a commencement. This

admin2018-07-31  39

问题     Good morning! I’m so excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at such a commencement.
    This is where genius lives.  There’s a flexibility of mind here, an openness to change, an eagerness for what’s new. This is where people come to discover the future, and have fun doing it. There are so many remarkable things going on here at this campus, but if I had to put into one word what I love most about this university — it’s the optimism.  There’s an infectious feeling here that innovation can solve every problem.
    Optimism, for me, is not a passive expectation that things are going to get better. For me, it’s a conviction and a belief that we can make things better. So no matter how much suffering we see, no matter how bad it is, we can help people if we don’t lose hope and if we don’t look away. (Applause). Even in dire situations, optimism fuels innovation and leads to new approaches that eliminate suffering. But if you never really see the people that are suffering, your optimism can’t help them. You will never change their world.
    The modern world is an incredible source of innovation and your university stands at the center of that, creating new companies, new schools of thought, prize-winning professors, inspired art and literature, miracle drugs, and amazing graduates. Whether you are a scientist with a new discovery, or working in the trenches to understand the needs of the most marginalized, you are advancing amazing breakthroughs in what human beings can do for each other.
    The pessimists are wrong, in my view. But they are not crazy. If innovation is purely market driven, and we don’t focus on the inequities, then we could have amazing advances and inventions that leave the world even more divided. If our optimism doesn’t address the problems that affect so many of our fellow human beings, then our optimism needs more empathy. If empathy channels our optimism, we will see the poverty and the disease and the poor schools. We will answer with our innovations and we will surprise the pessimists.
    Over the next generation, you, the graduates, will lead a new wave of innovation. Which problems will you decide to solve? If your world is wide, you can create the future we all want. If your world is narrow, you may create the future the pessimists fear.  I think most of you have a broader world view than I had at your age. You can do better at this than I did. If you put your hearts and minds to it, you can surprise the pessimists. We are eager to see it.  (Applause).
    So here is our appeal to you all. As you leave this university, take all your genius and your optimism and your empathy, and go change the world in ways that will make millions of people optimistic. You don’t have to rush. You have careers to launch and debts to pay and spouses to meet and marry. That’s plenty enough for right now. But in the course of your lives, perhaps without any plan on your part, you will see suffering that’s going to break your heart. And when it happens, don’t turn away from it. That’s the moment that change is born.
    Congratulations and good luck to all the graduates here!


答案 早上好!来到这里我非常兴奋。任何人受邀到这样一场毕业典礼上做演讲都会觉得激动无比。 这里是人才的摇篮。这里有着灵活的思维、乐于接受改变的开放态度以及对新鲜事物的渴求。在这里,人们探索未来并享受其中。在这所校园里,每时每刻都有不同凡响的事情发生,但如果要我用一个词来概括我对这所大学的挚爱——那便是“乐观”。这里有一种极富感染力的精神,即创新可以解决所有问题。 乐观对我而言,并非被动地期待事情会变好,而是一种信念,相信我们可以做得更好。因此不论我们目睹了多少痛苦,不论事情如何糟糕,只要我们不放弃希望,不转头离去,我们就能够伸出援手。即便身处绝境,乐观精神也会激励创新,从而找到消除痛苦的新方法。但如果你从未见过受苦受难的人们,你的乐观也将无能为力。你也永远不会改变他们的世界。 现代世界是一个不可思议的创新之源,而贵校正是创新的核心。这里孕育了许许多多的新公司、新的思想流派、硕果累累的教授、富有灵感的艺术和文学、创造奇迹的药品,还有卓越的毕业生。无论你是收获新发现的科学家,还是工作在了解最边缘化需求的第一线,你都在为人类相互间的协作做出惊人的突破之举。 在我看来,悲观主义者是错误的,但他们并不疯狂。如果创新纯粹由市场驱动,我们都不关注不平等现象,那么我们的惊人进步和发明会令世界更加分裂。如果我们的乐观精神无法用来解决那些影响芸芸众生的问题,那么我们的乐观需要融人更多的同情心。若同情心能引导我们的乐观主义,我们就会关注贫困、疾病及教育匮乏问题。我们就会以创新作答,使那些悲观主义者震惊。 在下一代中,你们,这些毕业生们,将引领新一波的创新浪潮。你们将要解决哪些问题?如果你们的世界是宽广的,就能创造出我们理想的未来;如果你们的世界是狭隘的,就会创造出悲观主义者恐惧的未来。我想,你们中的大多数人都比当时的我视野更宽广,你们会比我做得更好。你们如果全心全意地投入于此,就可以使那些悲观主义者震惊。我们迫不及待地想看到这一天。 因此,我们向你们所有人呼吁。在你们离开这所大学之时,带上你们的天赋、乐观及同情心,去改变这个世界,让无数的人为之乐观起来。无须着急,因为你们还要开创事业、偿还欠款、找寻另一半并建立家庭,你们当前要做的事情已经足够多了。但在你们的一生当中,也许是不经意地,你们就会目睹那些令人心碎的苦难。这时,不要转身离开,因为改变正是从这一刻起开始孕育的。 祝贺在座所有的毕业生们!祝你们好运!

