A、He will make laws. B、He will tighten gun control. C、He will punish those shooters harshly. D、He will forbid people holding gun

admin2017-08-23  41

(3) Three years ago, after 20 children and 6 adults were shot dead at a school in Connecticut, President Obama said he would do all in his power to prevent similar mass shootings in the future by tightening gun control. In his final year in office, Mr. Obama is trying again, this time bypassing political opposition by using his executive powers. He set out his plans in an emotional speech at the White House surrounded by family members of people killed in some of the massacres that have taken place during his presidency. (4) Fort Hood. Binghamton. Aurora. Oak Creek. Newtown. The Navy Yard. Santa Barbara. Charleston. San Bernardino. Too many. The President emphasized he respected The Second Amendment rights to bear arms but he said he was determined to act.
3. What effort will Obama make in order to prevent mass shootings?
4. Which place have suffered from the massacres?

选项 A、He will make laws.
B、He will tighten gun control.
C、He will punish those shooters harshly.
D、He will forbid people holding guns.


解析 新闻开头提到,三年前20名儿童和6名成年人死于康涅狄格州校园枪击案,奥巴马总统由此宣布他将利用自己的权力竭尽所能地加强枪支控制,避免类似群体枪击事件再次发生。故答案选B。
