Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me pleasure to welcome you to the celebration of our International Tourist Guide Day. I am hon

admin2018-07-31  49

问题 Ladies and Gentlemen,
   It gives me pleasure to welcome you to the celebration of our International Tourist Guide Day. I am honored to spend time with men and women who lead and participate in this important sector of human activity — tourism. Other than the travel operator and the Internet, the real contact that the tourist has with South Africa is through a tourist guide.
   In fact most letters that the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism receives from tourists who share their experiences in the country, sing praises about the knowledge and professionalism of tourist guides.
   The tourism stakeholders come to acknowledge the role and the contribution of the tourist guides by way of empowering them to explore diligence in foreign languages and creating an enabling environment for them to equitably participate in economy of the industry.
   However, I should hasten to add that our greatest achievement to date is the fact that we have trained tourist guides in foreign languages, such as German, French and Chinese. Plans are afoot to extend this foreign language training to other mainstream languages of our core markets, which will include Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Italian. This initiative will ensure that we remain competitive in the market and encourage tourists in these segments to stay longer in the country.
   Another level that needs to be explored much more robustly is creating a conducive environment for the tourist-guides to thrive. We should be clear about the needs analysis of the market, and its preparedness to absorb black tourist-guides without prejudice.
   Ladies and Gentlemen, the White Paper on Tourism states that tourism is government led and private sector driven. The transformation of the tourist guide sector has been, and remains a priority to our department. I believe that things are certainly moving in the right direction. There can be no doubt that one of the key requirements for small emerging tourism businesses is mentorship. The larger and more anchored tourism businesses can play a significant role in the future sustainability of smaller businesses, if they take the time and effort to become involved.
   Our department has developed and is rolling out the domestic tourism growth strategy which aims at growing the number of domestic tourists, their cost, length of stay and distribution throughout the country and throughout the year, as well as to identify the key tourism products for the domestic tourism market. Furthermore, there is a need to promote nation building through tourism by growing domestic tourism in townships, rural areas, heritage sites, national parks and tourism icons. The tourist guides need to play a vital role in seeing the success of this strategy.
   Ladies and Gentlemen, in his opening speech at the South Africa, President said, " I would like to have time to breaks loose from my work environment, to rediscover myself as a person by being with people and things about whom and which I do not have to take decisions. I would go to the Eastern Cape of our country to visit the grave of a Khoi woman, Sarah Baartman. I would visit the museums of Eastern Cape and I am certain that as I walk around these places with strange names I will learn much about the past. "
   The president’s speech clearly depicted the value of the tourist guide sector in the tourism industry. A good tourist guide would be in attendance to give an in-depth account of the History of Sarah Baartman from beginning to end, take the President to the museum and curate the history and origins of the names that look strange to the President and watch him smile as he identifies with the origin of the names as they would associate with the bitter past. I am attempting to depict the caliber of a true tourist guide being that of human relations, knowledge about the history, places, fauna and flora, game and most importantly, the people of South Africa and their different cultures, religion etc.
   We are the nation that has been endowed with many gifts, including scenic beauty, diverse cultures and hospitality. How we market South Africa as a value for money destination, remain globally competitive, contribute to the GDP as envisaged by the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa is a challenge that remains with all of us in the tourism industry but the quality tourist guide sector will add value to our efforts.


答案 女士们、先生们: 我很高兴能欢迎各位来参加此次国际导游日的庆典大会。在座的各位来宾都参与和引领旅游业这一人类活动中的重要组成部分,能与各位在此共聚我深感荣幸。除了旅行社和因特网,游客和南非的真正联系还要通过导游来实现。 事实上,环境事务和旅游部门收到的大多数游客的来信都谈到了他们在南非的旅游经历,赞扬了导游们的渊博知识和专业精神。 旅游业利益攸关者开始承认导游的作用和贡献,鼓励导游勤学外语,为他们创造能公平参与行业经济的有利环境。 然而,我必须赶紧补充一句,我们至今所取得的最大成就是,我们已经培训了其他很多语种的导游,如德语、法语、中文等。我们还准备将外语培训计划拓展到核心市场的主流语种,如西班牙语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语、意大利语等。这项举措将确保我们的市场竞争力,促使讲这些语言的游客在我国逗留时间更长。 另一方面,我们还需竭力创造一个利于导游成长的环境。我们应该清楚地了解对市场需求的分析,准备好抛弃偏见、接纳黑人导游。 女士们、先生们,《旅游业白皮书》中说,旅游业是一项由政府引导、私营部门驱动的行业。导游部门的改革已成为、并仍将得到我们部门优先考虑的问题。我相信,一切正在朝着正确的方向发展。毫无疑问,对一些新兴的小旅游公司的一个关键要求是实行导师制。较大较稳定的旅游公司如果能花时间和努力参与其中,就能对较小旅游公司未来的持续发展起到重要作用。 我们部门已制定了国内旅游发展策略并付诸实施,该策略旨在增加全国全年国内游客的数量、花费、停留时间和分布地区,并且明确国内旅游市场的主要旅游产品。此外,有必要在城镇、乡下、文化遗址、国家公园和旅游胜地发展国内旅游业,以旅游带动民族构建。导游对这项策略的成功与否起着至关重要的作用。 女士们、先生们,在南非旅游展上,总统先生在开幕致辞中说道:“我想暂时远离我的工作环境,在与那些不需要我做决策的人和事的接触中重新发现自己。我想去我们国家的东开普省,看看科伊族妇女莎拉-巴特曼的墓地。我想去参观东开普省博物馆,当走在这些名字奇怪的地方时,我一定会更了解历史。” 总统先生的致辞清楚地描绘出导游部门在旅游业中的价值所在。一名优秀的导游应能深刻完整地讲述莎拉-巴特曼的故事,带领总统先生参观博物馆时,向他解释这些奇怪名字的历史和起源,解释这些名字与痛苦过去的联系,看着总统露出认同的微笑。我想说的是,一名真正的导游应善于与人相处,通晓历史、地理、动植物、猎物,最重要的是要了解南非的人们及其不同的文化和宗教等。 我们是一个资源丰富的国家,我们有美丽的风景、多样的文化和好客的人们。如何将南非宣传为一个值得花钱的旅游目的地,如何保持全球竞争力,如何像《南非加速及分享成长倡议》所展望的那样为国内生产总值做贡献,这些对我们所有旅游业从业人员来说仍是个挑战,但优秀的导游队伍将会为我们的努力增值不少。

