1925年2月24日,国父孙中山病危时,留下一段《家事遗嘱》: “余因尽瘁国事,不治家产。其所遗之书籍、衣物、住宅等均付吾妻宋庆龄,以为纪念。余之儿女已长成能自立,望各自爱,以继余志。此嘱。” 中山先生艰苦奋斗40年,功勋卓然。但终身廉洁。

admin2012-12-01  47

问题     1925年2月24日,国父孙中山病危时,留下一段《家事遗嘱》:


答案 "Dedicated as I have been to the national affairs, it is understandable that I have been unable to build up my family properties. I hereby leave my books, clothes as well as my house to my wife, Song Chingling as mementos. As for my children, who are all grown-ups and should be able to support themselves, I could only wish that they conduct themselves well so as to carry out my unfinished endeavor. " For forty years, Dr. Sun Yat-sen worked and struggled for the thriving of the Chinese nation. Despite the fact that his revolutionary exploits were monumental, he lived a life clean and honest until his death. Never had he purchased any land or property either for himself or for any of his family members. It is true that he once served as the Republic of China’s provisional president. In fact, as head of state, he had never sought nor enjoyed a high emolument. It is small wonder therefore that what he left behind upon his death were nothing except some 2000 books and magazines, plus a residence which had been collectively contributed to him by the Chinese expatriates in Canada.

