中国的农民工(migrant worker)是从农村到城市来寻找工作的农民。他们在建筑工地、工厂、饭店以及家政服务业寻求工作。这些农民工推动着中国经济的快速增长。据报道,去年中国有1.67亿农民工。这个庞大的群体时常面临着被拖欠工资(pay arrears

admin2017-03-01  30

问题     中国的农民工(migrant worker)是从农村到城市来寻找工作的农民。他们在建筑工地、工厂、饭店以及家政服务业寻求工作。这些农民工推动着中国经济的快速增长。据报道,去年中国有1.67亿农民工。这个庞大的群体时常面临着被拖欠工资(pay arrears)、缺乏工伤(workplace injury)赔偿和医疗保障,以及子女上学难等诸多问题。近几年,中国政府日益改善农民工的权益。


答案 China’s migrant workers are farmers from the countryside looking for jobs in the cities. They power the country’s fast-growing economy by working in construction sites, factories, restaurants and home services industry. There were reportedly 167 million migrant workers in China last year. The huge group often faces various problems such as pay arrears and a lack of workplace injury compensation, health care and schooling for their children. In recent years, the Chinese government has been improving migrant workers’ rights.

解析 1.第1句中的定语“从农村到城市来寻找工作的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,译作from the countrysidelooking for jobs in the cities。
2.仔细分析后发现,第2句和第3句之间的关联性较强,宜将第3句处理成主干(they power the country’sfast-growing economy),第2句处理为方式状语,用介词短语by working in…来表达,结构清晰、逻辑性强。
3.第4句“据报道,去年中国有1.67亿农民工”可译为It is reported that there were 167 million migrantworkers in China last year,但这样还不如将“据报道”处理为副词来得简洁,表达为There were repor-tedly 167 million migrant workers in China last year。
4.第5句“这个庞大的群体……诸多问题”较长,翻译时,先翻出主干(the huge group faces various pro-blems),同位语“被拖欠工资、缺乏工伤赔偿和医疗保障,以及子女上学难等”用such as引出。“子女上学难”实则为“缺少教育资源”,为使结构平行和表达简洁,可译作a lack of workplace injury compensation,health care and schooling for their children。
