
admin2022-07-09  26

问题     ①综合分析国内外形势,我国发展面临的机遇和挑战并存。②世界经济有望继续复苏,但不稳定不确定因素很多,主要经济体政策调整及其外溢效应带来变数,保护主义加剧,地缘政治风险上升。③我国经济正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期,还有很多坡要爬、坎要过,需要应对可以预料和难以预料的风险挑战。


答案 ①A comprehensive analysis of how things stand at home and abroad tells us that China, in its development, faces both opportunities and challenges. ②We can expect continued recovery of the global economy, but there are also many factors that bring instability and uncertainty. The policy changes of the major economies and their spillover effects create uncertainty; protectionism is mounting, and geopolitical risks are on the ascent. ③China’s economy is now in a pivotal period in the transformation of its growth model, its economic structural improvement and its shift to new growth drivers. There are still many lulls to climb and gorges to cross; we will have to face risks and challenges, some foreseeable and others not. ④In fact, it’s always been the case that China’s achievements in development have been made whilst overcoming difficulties, ⑤Today, China’s material and technological foundations are much stronger, its industrial system is complete, its market is vast, its human resources are abundant and its entrepreneurs and innovators are dynamic. We enjoy composite advantages, and all this means that we have the ability and the conditions to achieve more efficient, fairer, and more sustainable development of higher quality.

解析     1.①句由两个分句组成,翻译前应先理解句子间的逻辑关系。梳理句意后,可以将原文理解为“通过综合分析……,可以得出……的结论”,因此可处理成By analyzing…,we can draw a conclusion that…;也可以像参考译文一样,通过词性转换. 重新选择analysis为主语,译作A comprehensive analysis of how things stand at home and abroad tells us that…,使译文语言显得更加灵活多样。
2.②句中“世界经济有望继续复苏”,翻译时可以按照原文的句子结构处理成The world economy is expected to continue its recovery,也可以通过词性转换,将动词“继续”转化为形容词,译作We call expect continued recovery of the global economy,使译文语言更加自然、地道。
    3.③句中“需要应对可以预料和难以预料的风险挑战”,由于原句“风险挑战”的定语过长,翻译时可以选择将其放在句末单独处理,译作we will have to face risks and challenges,some foreseeable and others not,以此平衡句子的整体结构. 避免出现头重脚轻的情况。
    4.⑤句中“综合优势明显”,可以按照原文结构处理成the composite advantages are quite evident/obvious,也可以补充we作主语,译作We enjoy composite advantages,使译文在整体上显得句式丰富、灵活多变而且更为地道。
    5.⑤句由四个分句组成,前三个分句具体描述我国目前拥有的各项优势,最后一个分句解释我们将有能力在未来实现更大的进步,翻译时应该突出这层逻辑关系,在最后一个分句前添加信息all this means that,从而加强译文整体的衔接性。
