
admin2021-12-27  57

问题   互联网在中国改革开放过程中的重要作用怎么说都不为过。从2000年开始,中国互联网应用的普及,到现在快20年的时间,尤其是在最后的这15年,互联网为我们的高速发展起到了决定性的作用。经济要发展,有两点是至关重要的:一是要提高生产效率,提高生产质量,搞出更有创意的设计;二是确保渠道的畅通,把工厂生产的东西以最快的速度、最低的成本送到消费者的手里。


答案  The importance of the Internet in China’s reform and opening-up program cannot be overstated. It has been almost 20 years since the Internet was introduced to China in 2000. The Internet has played a decisive role in China’s rapid development, especially in the last 15 years. Two things are important to economic development. First, it is important to raise production efficiency, improve the quality of products and turn out more creative designs. Second, it is imperative to have unimpeded logistics so that products manufactured by factories can be delivered to consumers at the fastest speed and the lowest cost.   In both cases, the Internet has played a catalytic role in boosting China’s industrial development. The development of the Internet has greatly narrowed the gap between China and advanced countries in designing concepts and designers, as the Internet has enabled us to acquire the most advanced designing techniques and concepts in the world at a quicker pace.   As for distribution channels, the Internet has obviously offered better solutions, such as e-commerce. The Internet has made it easier for people to express their views and criticism on products. This, in turn, will help businesses to improve their production and the government to transform its functions. The Internet has greatly changed the Chinese society. First, the Internet has made the rural and urban people equals in acquiring information and facilitating communication. It has made it possible for everyone to see, in real time, the progress China has made and the rapid development of its cities. This, in turn, has greatly encouraged people to pursue development, and then to turn such desire into a huge driving force for progress.

解析 1.从2000年开始,中国互联网应用的普及,到现在快20年的时间,尤其是在最后的这15年,互联网为我们的高速发展起到了决定性的作用。It has been almost 20 years since the Internet was introduced to China in 2000.The Internet has played a decisive role in China’s rapid development,especially in the last 15 years.
分析 篇章理解类、句子结构类
本句包含多个汉语松散小句,对于此类句式,翻译时应充分考虑各小句语义及彼此间的逻辑关系,对其进行合理划分或整合。比如,此处可将“从2000年开始……到现在快20年的时间”划分为一句,“尤其是在最后的这15年,互联网……”划分为一句。值得一提的是,“普及”一词的选择有很多,比如可根据译句上下文语境和句式结构灵活选用introduce,spread,popularize,be available(to the general public),be visible,be around,become mainstream等。
2.一是要提高生产效率,提高生产质量,搞出更有创意的设计:二是确保渠道的畅通,把工厂生产的东西以最快的速度、最低的成本送到消费者的手里。First,it is important to raise production efficiency, improve the quality of products and turn out more creative designs.Second,it is imperative to have unimpeded logistics so that products manufactured by factories can be delivered to consumers at the fastest speed and the lowest cost.
分析 语言措辞类、句子结构类
本句提及对于“经济要发展”“至关重要的”两点。第一点为三个并列的动宾结构,即“提高……,提高……,搞出……”,因此此处汉译英的重点在于选词及搭配,如“提高”可以译为improve,raise,enhance,boost,advance等,但要根据其具体搭配的宾语来进行选择。而第二点中,“确保……”的目的是“把……以最快的速度、最低的成本送到……”,因此翻译时,前后两个小句间可用so that结构予以连接,以凸显汉语原句中隐含的逻辑关系。
3.互联网在这两个环节都为中国的产业发展起到了推动的作用。In both cases,the Internet has played a catalytic role in boosting China’s industrial development.
分析 语言措辞类
本句的翻译重点在于“推动”一词的灵活处理,比如,可译为has played a catalytic role,其中,形容词catalytic意为“起催化作用的”,与“推动的”词性相同、意义接近。还可以译为has played an important role in boosting/accelerating/facilitating/motivating…,其中,动词boost,accelerate,facilitate,motivate等均含“推动”之意。当然,也可译为has played a catalytic role in boosting…,这样既符合英语表达习惯,也能通过语义重复来加强语气。
4.老百姓通过互联网更容易表达他们的意愿,更容易对我们现有的一些产品提出批评性的意见,反过来,这些意愿和意见都会更好地推动企业的生产,推动政府职能转变。The Internet has made it easier for people to express their views and criticism on products.This,in turn,will help businesses to improve their production and the government to transform its functions.
分析 句子结构类、语篇理解类
本句句式较长,翻译时可考虑将整句拆分,然后译为两个独立的句子,即“老百姓通过……,更容易对……”和“反过来,这些意愿和意见都会更好地推动……,推动……”。翻译时还应充分考虑汉语重人称而英语重物称的表达习惯,尤其要弄清本句到底是强调“老百姓(人)……更容易……”,还是“互联网(使老百姓)……更容易……”。考虑到本文主题以及英语中常用物称表达法来对事物进行较为客观理性的表述,可将“互联网”译为英语译句中的逻辑主语,将“更容易”译为 make it easier,而汉语原句中的逻辑主语“老百姓”则译为状语成分for people,从而使译句在表达上更为客观地道,上下文句子重心也能保持一致。
5.首先,互联网在信息获取、信息沟通这个领域里,把农村人和城里人置于平等的地位。First,the Internet has made the rural and urban people equals in acquiring information and facilitating communication.
分析 句子结构类、词性转换类
本句在翻译时需注意两点,即状语的位置和词性的灵活转换。首先,在汉语中,状语一般置于主语之后、谓语之前或是置于句首,而英语中状语的位置则较为灵活,一般可置于句首、句中、句末。此处,可将汉语原句中的状语成分“在……领域里”进行后置翻译,以使译句结构和语义更加连贯完整。同时,名词短语“信息获取、信息沟通”虽然译为information acquisition and information communication也能传神达意,但其名词化表达似乎稍显僵硬呆板了些,倒不如译为动宾结构如acquire information and facilitate communication,更能凸显“农村人和城里人”在“信息获取、信息沟通”方面的主体性。
