
admin2016-09-27  65

问题 这是一次具有历史意义的开拓性的会议。它反映了欧亚国家希望获得世界和平与发展、希望各洲之间进行交流与合作的共同愿望。它显示了亚洲的增长,表明了整个国际关系的巨大变化,标志着多极化的发展趋势。我深信这次会议将对形成一个新的世界格局产生积极的影响。我愿借此机会向成功主办了这次会议的泰国政府表示衷心的感谢。建立一个新的亚欧伙伴关系要求我们有新的观念和新的方法。回顾过去,展望未来,我认为一个新的亚欧伙伴关系必须建筑在相互尊重和平等互利的基础上。我们应该求同存异,增进相互理解和信任,消除贸易歧视,反对贸易制裁,加强技术交流与合作。为了增进相互理解和信任,亚洲和欧洲应该扩大和增加政治对话。就我们而言,我们愿意看到欧盟在一体化进程中前进,愿意看到欧盟保持独立和开放。(35 points)


答案This is a historic and pioneering meeting. It reflects the common desire of countries in Asia and Europe for world peace and development, as well as inter-continental exchanges and cooperation. It shows the growth of Asia, the tremendous changes in the entire international relations and signals the development towards multi-polarity. I am convinced that the meeting will have active influence on the shaping of a new world order. I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Thai government which sponsors the meeting successfully. To establish a fresh Asia-Europe partnership demands new concepts and methods. Review the past and look forward into the future, I think that a fresh Asia-Europe partnership should be built on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. We should seek common interests and shelve differences. We should promote mutual trust and understanding while removing trade discrimination and opposing trade sanction. We also should strengthen exchanges and cooperation on technology. To promote mutual trust and understanding, the two continents should increase political dialogues between them. As far as we are concerned, we’d like to see the advance, independence and o-pening up in the course of EU integrity.

