Campaigning for votes in the western province of Maharashtra this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India vowed to give su

admin2011-01-11  41

问题     Campaigning for votes in the western province of Maharashtra this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India vowed to give such a remarkable facelift to Mumbai, the state capital, that people "should forget talking about Shanghai."
    Now that the election results are in, and a coalition led by Singh’s Congress Party has retained power in the province, the prime minister must make good his promise, which will take more than a paint job.
    The consulting firm McKinsey says it would cost $ 44 billion to make Mumbai a world-class city that can rank alongside Shanghai.
    A revival of Mumbai, the country’s trade and entertainment hub, is more than a matter of image. It’s an economic necessity.
    The city of 12 million fills two-fifths of the nation’s corporate-tax kitty, yet a third of its people live in slums.
    Mumbai’s economy has lagged the national average growth rate of about 7 percent since 1998 — a level of underperformance that is impossible to reverse without mending the city’s creaky infrastructure.
    A choked, potholed Mumbai is symptomatic of a wider urban malaise. It isn’t that a fast-growing economy like India can’t find the resources to invest in its cities, where much of its economic growth is being produced.
    By 2025, one of (the) two Indians would be living in an urban center, up from one in three now.
    Morgan Stanley’s chief economist, Stephen Roach, recently undertook a 115-mile, or 184-kilometer, car journey from Mumbai to the industrial city of Pune on a new expressway, which he says "is a huge cut above any of the other motor routes that I had been on in India."
    Yet, by Chinese standards, the new road merits a "B minus, at best," he says. "If this is progress in closing India’s infrastructure gap, the problem is even worse than I had imagined."


答案 印度总理曼莫汉?辛格本月在西部省份马哈拉施特拉邦争取选票,曾宣称保证使首府孟买的面貌大为改观,到那时人们就“用不着老念叨上海了”。 既然选举结果已经揭晓,辛格的国民大会党领导的联合政权在这一省份继续执政,总理就必须兑现其诺言,不过这可不是一件粉刷一下就能了结的事。 据麦肯锡咨询公司称,需要耗费440亿美元方能使孟买成为一个世界级城市,以与上海相媲美。 孟买是印度的贸易枢纽和娱乐中心。孟买的振兴不只是一个形象问题,为了发展经济,必须使孟买复兴。 孟买有人口1200万,为国家提供五分之二的公司税收,却有三分之一的人生活在贫民窟里。 自1998年以来,孟买的经济一直低于全国平均百分之七的增长率。如果不改善陈旧的基础设施,孟买就无法扭转这种落后的状态。 孟买空气污浊,道路坑洼不平,这些表面现象隐藏着一个更大的城市问题。不是说像印度这样经济迅速增长的国家没有钱在城市里投资,它的经济增长在很大程度上就是在城市里实现的。 到2025年,每两个印度人中就有一人生活在城市里,而不像现在这样每三人才有一人生活在城市里了。 摩根斯坦利公司的首席经济学家斯蒂芬?罗奇最近驱车115英里(合184公里),沿一条新建的高速公路从孟买到达工业城市浦那。他说,这条公路“比我在印度走过的任何一条高速公路都好得多。” 然而,按中国的标准,这条新建的公路,据他说“最多只能打个B。”他还说:“如果说这也算印度在缩小基础设施的差距方面取得的进步,那么问题比我原先想像的还要严重了。”

解析 1.Campaigning for votes in the western province of Maharashtra this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India vowed to give such a remarkable facelift to Mumbai, the state capital, that people "should forget talking about Shanghai." 印度总理曼莫汉?辛格本月在西部省份马哈拉施特拉邦争取选票,曾宣称保证使首府孟买的面貌大为改观,到那时人们就“用不着老念叨上海了”。
    [分析] 理解结构采分点。
2.Now that the election results are in, and a coalition led by Singh’s Congress Party has retained power in the province, the prime minister must make good his promise, which will take more than a paint job. 既然选举结果已经揭晓,辛格的国民欠会党领导的联合政权在这一省份继续执政,总理就必须兑现其诺言,不过这可不是一件粉刷一下就能了结的事。
    [分析] 理解表达采分点。
    the election results are in中的in指“当选,执政”,但根据下文提到的retained power(执政),in就不宜再译成“执政”了,把the election results are in译成“选举结果已经揭晓”更好。make good指“成功,实现,补偿”。在本句中的意思是“实现,履行”。a paint job中的paint在这里指“粉刷,绘画”。前文提到了总理要履行他竞选时的承诺,因此这里的paint job(描绘工作或粉饰工作)就有了隐含意义,即只是冠冕堂皇的话,而不用实际去履行。因此,more than a paint job应翻译为“不仅仅是一件随口说说就算了的事情”或“这可不是一件粉刷一下就能了结的事”。
3.The consulting firm McKinsey says it would cost $44 billion to make Mumbai a world- class city that can rank alongside Shanghai. 据麦肯锡咨询公司称,需要耗费440亿美元方能使孟买成为一个世界级城市,以与上海相媲美。
    [分析] 选词用词采分点。
    rank,在这里要选择其“排列,归类于,列为”这层含义。alongside在这里是介词,“与……并肩;在……旁边”的意思。rank alongside Shanghai指“与上海并肩,与上海处于同一水平”,即“能够与上海相媲美”。
4.The city of 12 million fills two-fifths of the nation’s corporate-tax kitty, yet a third of its people live in slums.孟买有人口1200万,为国家提供五分之二的公司税收,却有三分之一的人生活在贫民窟里。
    [分析] 理解结构采分点及基本素质采分点。
    本句是一个简单句,但可以翻译成两个小分句。句子的主语单独翻译成一个小分句。 city做主语,译成“孟买”,增加动词“有”,即孟买有人口1200万。fills two-fifths of the nation’s corporate-tax kitty译成同“有”并列的动宾结构,即“为国家提供五分之二的公司税收”,yet后面的部分单独翻译。本句中的短语fill the kitty中的 kitty是指“凑集的金钱[物品;共同的资金(尤指小额集存的储蓄)”。
5.Mumbai’s economy has lagged the national average growth rate of about 7 percent since 1998— a level of underperformance that is impossible to reverse without mending the city’s creaky infrastructure. 自1998年以来,孟买的经济一直低于全国平均百分之七的增长率。如果不改善陈旧的基础设施,孟买就无法扭转这种落后的状态。
    [分析] 结构理解采分点及选词用词采分点。
    本句可以翻译成两个句子。从句that is impossible to reverse without mending the city’s creaky infrastructure中的由without引导的介词短语译成条件句“如果不改善陈旧的基础设施”。mend指“修补,改善”。infrastructure指“基础结构”。creaky infrastructure在这里应指那些不合时宜的、陈旧的基础设施。
6.A choked, potholed Mumbai is symptomatic of a wider urban malaise. 孟买空气污浊,道路坑洼不平,这些表面现象隐藏着一个更大的城市问题。
    [分析] 理解表达采分点及基本素质采分点。
7.By 2025, one of the two Indians would be living in an urban center, up from one in three now. 到2025年,每两个印度人中就有一人生活在城市里,而不像现在这样
    [分析] 理解结构采分点。one of the two Indians指“每两个印度人之一”。
8.Morgan Stanley’s chief economist, Stephen Roach, recently undertook a 115-mile, or 184-kilometer, car journey from Mumbai to the industrial City of Pune on a new expressway, which he says "is a huge cut above any of the other motor routes that I had been on in India." 摩根斯坦利公司的首席经济学家斯蒂芬?罗奇最近驱车115英里(合184公里),沿一条新建的高速公路从孟买到达工业城市浦那。他说,这条公路“比我在印度走过的任何一条高速公路都好得多。”
    [分析] 基本素质采分点及理解结构采分点。
    a cut above sth.是口语中常用的表达方式,即,“高……一等,比……强些”。在此句中which引导的非限制性定语从句which he says "is a huge cut above any of the other motor routes that I had been on in India单独翻译成——句,其主语是前面所提到的new expressway.
9.Yet, by Chinese standards, the new road merits a "B minus, at best," he says. "If this is progress in closing India’s infrastructure gap, the problem is even worse than I had imagined."然而,按中国的标准,这条新建的公路,据他说“最多只能打个 B-。”他还说:“如果说这也算印度在缩小基础设施的差距方面取得的进步,那么问题比我原先想像的就还要严重了。”
    [分析] 选词用词采分点。
    动词merit指“应该获得,值得”。close the gap, close在这里不是当“关闭,停止”讲,而是根据文意引申为“缩小或者拉近”某一差距。
