黄果树瀑布(Huangguoshu Waterfall)享有“中华第一瀑”之盛誉,是亚洲最大的瀑布,也是世界上最壮观的瀑布之一。它位于贵州省安顺市的白水河上。黄果树瀑布是以当地一种常见的植物“黄果树”而得名,以其壮阔、密集的瀑布群而闻名。早在明朝的时候,著

admin2021-07-13  70

问题     黄果树瀑布(Huangguoshu Waterfall)享有“中华第一瀑”之盛誉,是亚洲最大的瀑布,也是世界上最壮观的瀑布之一。它位于贵州省安顺市的白水河上。黄果树瀑布是以当地一种常见的植物“黄果树”而得名,以其壮阔、密集的瀑布群而闻名。早在明朝的时候,著名地理学家徐霞客就对黄果树瀑布有过赞美。黄果树大瀑布高度为77.8米,宽101米,其中主瀑高67米,顶宽83.3米,是世界上唯一可以从各个方位观赏的瀑布。1999年被吉尼斯(Guinness)总部评为世界上最大的瀑布群。


答案 Huangguoshu Waterfall is crowned as the "No. 1 Waterfall in China". It is the largest waterfall in Asia and also ranked as one of the most spectacular waterfalls all over the world. Located on Baishui River in Anshun City of Guizhou Province, Huangguoshu Waterfall got its name from a local plant, namely, the Yellow Fruit Tree. It is famous for its grand and densely-distributed waterfall clusters. As early as in the Ming Dynasty, Huangguoshu Waterfall won high praise from the well-known geologist Xu Xiake. It is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide, with the main waterfall 67 meters high and 83.3 meters wide on the top. It is the only waterfall that can be appreciated from different directions. Huangguoshu Waterfall was rated as the world’s largest waterfall clusters by the Guinness headquarter in 1999.

解析 1.“享有……之盛誉”可用be crowned as来表达,比使用be regarded as更有褒奖之意。
2.第二句“它位于贵州省安顺市的白水河上”句子较短,翻译时可与下一句相结合,使用过去分词短语located on Baishui River in Anshun City of Guizhou Province作状语,表明瀑布所在的位置,使译文更紧凑。
3.第四句中的“早在明朝的时候”译作as early as in the Ming dynasty。“著名地理学家徐霞客就对黄果树有过赞美”,可按汉语句式直译为the well-known geologist Xu Xiake gave it high praise,但如将主语转换成“黄果树瀑布”,译作Huangguoshu Waterfall won high praise from the well-known geologist Xu Xiake。则使全文描写的视角更为统一。
4.“黄果树大瀑布高度为77.8米,宽101米,其中主瀑高67米,顶宽83.3米”一句对“黄果树大瀑布”和“主瀑”的介绍结构类似,为避免句型重复,对“主瀑”的介绍可使用介词with引导复合短语来表达:with the main waterfall 67 meters high and 83.3 meters wide。
