今年三月,中国杂技芭蕾舞《天鹅湖》开始了为期一年的国际巡演。自1877年芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》在莫斯科首演以来,世界各国的芭蕾舞剧团无数次地出演了各种版本的《天鹅湖》。此次,中国艺术家用杂技语汇对这一经典芭蕾进行了一次大胆诠释。 尽管中国杂技已有270

admin2012-07-13  26

问题     今年三月,中国杂技芭蕾舞《天鹅湖》开始了为期一年的国际巡演。自1877年芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》在莫斯科首演以来,世界各国的芭蕾舞剧团无数次地出演了各种版本的《天鹅湖》。此次,中国艺术家用杂技语汇对这一经典芭蕾进行了一次大胆诠释。


答案 In March this year, Chinese acrobatic version of the ballet Swan Lake began its one-year-long international tour. Since it debuted in Moscow in 1877, ballet Swan Lake has been performed countless times and re-imaged by ballet companies worldwide. This time, Chinese artists, with immense courage, are interpreting the classical ballet with the acrobatic language. Although Chinese acrobatics has been around for more than 2,700 years, it developed at a slow pace owing to its poor taste and limited audience, and the acrobatic market shrank gradually. It was not until the 1980s that this art form began to take overall artistic effect into account. In order to turn acrobatics into a real art form and bring it into the ranks of global mainstream art, the Guangzhou Military Acrobatic Troupe composed the acrobatic version of the classical ballet through three years of efforts. The acrobatic ballet, while maintaining the elegant atmosphere of the original work, presents a combination of high skills, fresh forms and a complete story. Magic shows in acrobatics also play their due role in the performance. While successfully letting Chinese "swans" fly to the world, the acrobatic ballet will bring hope to the reinvigoration of acrobatics — the once sagging art form.

