In my opinion, we are living on borrowed time. We have 3 or 4 days" worth of food in the city. And if that food supply is disrup

admin2022-05-13  34

问题 In my opinion, we are living on borrowed time. We have 3 or 4 days" worth of food in the city. And if that food supply is disrupted, we’ll be in a lot of trouble. We should have something in the city that replaces this very tenuous food supply and it should be growing in the city.
  The bulk of the world’s population are going to be urban and are going to be living in high-rise accommodation. How do you make sustainable living solutions for the real world?
  By the year 2050, over 3/4 of the world’s population is expected to live in cities. The trend towards urbanization is greater now than at any time in history. And as population grows, it poses a unique problem: how best to grow food and supply it to the cities? We are looking at the exciting and unconventional field of agriculture, that is vertical farming. It could radically change the view across the Thames here in London.


答案 我认为我们正处在危险状态之中。城市里只有三四天的粮食储备。如果这种粮食供给遭到破坏,我们就会遭遇很多麻烦。人们应该拥有某种东西,以取代目前十分脆弱的粮食储备问题,而且这种东西应该能够生长在城市里。   世界上大多数人都将在城市生活,身居高层住宅。我们如何才能做到在现实世界的可持续生存?   到2050年,世界上超过3/4的人口将在城市居住。如今城市化倾向要比以往任何时代都要鲜明。人口增长也产生了一个独特的问题:种植庄稼以供应城市的最佳方法是什么?我们将看到激动人心、却又不拘泥于传统农业的垂直农业。它能够从根本上改变伦敦泰晤士河两岸的景象。

解析     第一段第一句“In my opinion, we are living on borrowed time.”孤立地看很难准确理解此句的意思,结合本段文字,分析本句的实际意义。live on“以……为食,以……为生”,borrowed time“借来的时间”,直译本句让人费解:“我认为我们现在正在依靠借用的时间生存。”联系下文所述,应该意译为:“我认为我们正生活在危机之中。”第三句“We should have something in the city that replaces this very tenuous food supply and it should be growing in the city.”为定语从句的翻译。由于定语从句比较长,而句子主干比较短,所以将定语从句翻译成单独句子较为合适,这样,一个长句子就可以翻译成两个或三个短句子,语义简洁、清晰。
  第二段第二句“How do you make sustainable living solutions for the real world?”注意you的理解和翻译。英语中we/you/they都可以泛指所有人,前文泛指所有人用的是we,这里的you可以省略不译,或者干脆翻译成“我们”更合适。
  第三段第二句“The trend towards urbanization is greater now than at any time in history”中的比较级greater比较的是现在与以前,great放在不同语境有不同的意义,这里great说明的是trend towards urbanization,翻译时应该为“趋势明显/显著”等,“现今的全球化趋势比以往任何时候都要显著。”下一句“And as population grows, it poses a unique problem...”as...作伴随状语,可翻译为“随着人口的增长,产生了一个特有的问题”,或者可比较“人口增长也产生了一个独特的问题”的翻译方法,字数相当,但体现的翻译方法迥异。英语为状语从句,而翻译过来,将两句合为一句,将状语变为主语,这种翻译法很值得考生在实践中借鉴。
