Harry S. Truman liked to say that as president of this country he was its most powerful citizen—but sometimes he added, smiling,

admin2019-03-20  76

问题 Harry S. Truman liked to say that as president of this country he was its most powerful citizen—but sometimes he added, smiling, the photographers were even more powerful. They could tell the commander in chief where to go, make him move his chair, cross his legs, hold up a letter, order him to smile or to look stern. He acknowledged their power and, as a political matter, deferred to their judgment. What the people thought of their chief executive would to some extent be decided by the photographers and the picture editors. Photographers may claim to be a priesthood interpreting the laws of light, and light is a universal mystery that the picture takers measure with their light meters.


答案 哈里·S·杜鲁门喜欢说,作为这个国家的总统,自己是权力最大的公民,不过有时他会笑着补充说,摄影师的权力甚至更大。他们可以命令总司令往东还是往西,吩咐他移动椅子、把一条腿搭在另一条腿上、手里拿上一封信,或是命令他微笑或摆出严肃的表情。他承认摄影师的权力,由于政治原因不得不服从他们的判断。人们如何看待他们的总统在一定程度上取决于摄影师和图片编辑。摄影师称得上是深谙光之法则的大法官,而光神秘莫测,他们需要用曝光表加以测量。

