中国地处亚洲大陆东部,太平洋西岸,在总面积960多万平方千米的国土上,自然与地理环境多姿多彩,东西南北风光迥异,山川江河蕴藏着极为丰富的动植物(fauna and flora)资源,良好的地理环境造就了无数的天然名胜。漫长的历史为中华民族留下了丰厚而珍

admin2021-05-28  77

问题   中国地处亚洲大陆东部,太平洋西岸,在总面积960多万平方千米的国土上,自然与地理环境多姿多彩,东西南北风光迥异,山川江河蕴藏着极为丰富的动植物(fauna and flora)资源,良好的地理环境造就了无数的天然名胜。漫长的历史为中华民族留下了丰厚而珍贵的文化遗产和自然遗产,它不仅属于中华民族,也是全人类的宝贵财富。目前,这些文化和自然遗产正日益受到威胁,一方面因年久腐变所致,同时变化中的社会和经济条件也造成了损害。


答案  Located in the eastern part of continental Asia and the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, China has a territory of over 9.6 million square kilometers. It has diverse and beautiful natural and geographical conditions, landscapes with the varied features of the north, south, east, and west, as well as mountains and rivers extremely rich in fauna and flora. Such excellent geographical conditions have produced many natural scenic spots. The rich and precious cultural and natural heritage left by China’s long history is assets for both the Chinese nation and the rest of the world. Today, however, the cultural and natural heritage is increasingly threatened by the damages caused by its own degeneration for old age and by the changes of social and economic conditions.

