According to the newly released Global Nutrition Report, malnutrition has become a worldwide problem, costing over $3 trillion p

admin2019-10-11  62

问题    According to the newly released Global Nutrition Report, malnutrition has become a worldwide problem, costing over $3 trillion per year. Data shows that Americans have either worsened the situation or made no progress on obesity, diabetes, and anemia in women of reproductive age. "The figures call for immediate action," an expert said. It’s generally accepted that being overweight is a costly health care problem, but new data suggests that being undernourished is even more expensive.
   Around the world, malnutrition has become a problem that costs a staggering $3.5 trillion per year, according figures cited by the latest Global Nutrition Report, which gives a comprehensive analysis of food and nutrition issues each year. That sum dwarfs the costs of being overweight and obese, which the report’s authors tallied at $500 billion annually. Although most countries have fallen short in their efforts to address poor nutrition and food insecurity, the United States appears to be badly off track on all its nutrition targets, the report found. The world’s largest economy continues to suffer from high rates of obesity, diabetes and anemia, according to the data, and has more than a million overweight children.
   "Malnutrition is responsible for more ill-health than any other cause. The health consequences of overweight and obesity contribute to an estimated four million deaths globally," Corinna Hawkes, co-chair of the Global Nutrition Report and director of the Center for Food Policy, wrote in the report. The dire figures "call for immediate action," Hawkes said.
   According to the study, most countries have at least two issues related to malnutrition. The most prevalent issues are children who are either overweight, anemic, or suffer from stunted growth. Overall, malnutrition contributes to about half of all childhood deaths, the research showed. India has the highest number of malnourished children in the world. Many of them are "stunted," meaning they are too short for their age. Their height is a, visible sign that not only their bones are not getting enough nutrients, but also their brains, indicating their hampered ability to learn.
   Lucy Sullivan, executive director of 1000 Days and co-chair the Global Nutrition Report Stakeholder Group, said that stunted children do not do well in school. Down the road, those affected may not be able to get as good of a job as they could have, had they been well-fed. Sullivan added that it also prevents them from being able to contribute to society, and the economy, as well as they would have in a healthier environment. A big part of the problem are eating and lifestyle choices, according to experts. North America alone purchases some of the highest volumes of packaged foods, the Global Nutrition Report found, and 66 percent of them are of low nutritional quality.
   These data aren’t all bad: Figures from 2003 to 2014 showed that obesity rates in the United States have begun to plateau, after having tripled since the 1970s. In the past five years, more than 35 U.S. jurisdictions have reported small declines in obesity. Yet an undeniable conclusion of the report is that poor eating habits have knocked the U.S. off course in its battle against malnutrition and obesity. China also has a growing obesity problem, in addition to having the second-largest undernourished population, the data showed. Policymakers are realizing they need to take action, in part because malnutrition is leading to major economic consequences, according to Sullivan. She hopes steps will be taken in order to help malnourished people worldwide. "The return on investment is so high," she said.


答案 根据最新发布的《全球营养报告》(Global Nutrition Report),营养不良已成为一个世界性问题,每年在此方面的花费超过3万亿美元。数据显示,美国人在肥胖、糖尿病、育龄妇女贫血等问题上,要么继续恶化,要么没有任何进展。一位专家称:“这些数据表明,我们必须立即采取行动。”人们通常认为,超重这一医疗问题花费高昂,但新的数据表明,营养不良这一医疗问题所花费的成本远高于超重。 《全球营养报告》每年都会对食品问题和营养问题进行全面分析,最新的报告中有数据显示,营养不良问题困扰着世界各地,每年花费数额惊人,达3.5万亿美元,远远高出超重和肥胖所花费的成本。该报告调查发现,超重和肥胖问题每年耗资5000亿美元。报告显示,在解决营养不良和食品安全问题时,大多数国家都没有竭尽全力,而美国甚至完全没有达到所制定的营养目标。数据显示,美国作为世界上最大的经济体,仍然受到高肥胖率、糖尿病和贫血等问题的困扰,超重儿童达100多万。 《全球营养报告》联合主席、食品政策中心主任科琳娜-霍克斯(Corinna Hawkes)在报告中写道:“与其他病原相比,营养不良是引起健康问题的最主要原因。超重和肥胖所引发的健康问题,会导致全球死亡人数预计达400万。”霍克斯说,这个可怕的数字提醒我们,必须立即采取行动。 报告显示,大多数国家至少有两个问题与营养不良相关,最普遍的问题是儿童要么超重、贫血,要么发育迟缓。调查显示,总的来说,在所有儿童死亡案例中,营养不良约占一半。印度是全世界营养不良儿童数量最多的国家。其中多数儿童都“发育迟缓”,即相对于其年龄而言,他们的身材过于矮小。从身高上就可以明显看出,不仅他们的骨骼没有获取到足够的营养,大脑也没有得到充足的养分,从而阻碍了其学习能力的发展。 千日公司的执行董事、《全球营养报告》股东小组联合主席露西-沙利文(Lucy Sullivan)说,发育迟缓的儿童在学校表现不佳。这些孩子如果得到了充足的营养。本可以得到一份好工作,但是由于生长迟缓,未来恐怕他们难以如愿。沙利文补充道,发育迟缓使他们无法为社会、为经济做贡献,而且他们本可以生活在一个更加健康的环境中。专家称,营养不良中最大的问题就是饮食和生活方式的选择。《全球营养报告》发现,北美购入的包装食品比例最高,其中66%都是营养含量低的食物。 《全球营养报告》中也有一些乐观的数据:2003年到2014年的数据显示,美国的肥胖率自20世纪70年代增长了两倍后,开始趋于稳定。过去五年,超过35个管辖区的报告中都显示,肥胖人数有所下降。但是报告中的一个结论毋庸置疑,就是美国人不健康的饮食习惯使得美国在对抗营养不良和肥胖的道路上偏离了轨道。报告中的数据显示,中国的营养不良人口数量位于世界第二位,肥胖问题也日益严峻。沙利文说,政策制定者意识到必须采取行动,部分原因是营养不良正引起重大经济后果。沙利文希望能够出台相关政策,以帮助全世界营养不良的人们,她说:“这是一项回报巨大的投资。”

