环境保护 雾霾天气范围扩大,环境污染矛盾突出,是大自然向粗放发展方式亮起的红灯。必须加强生态环境保护,下决心用硬措施完成硬任务。我们要出重拳强化污染防治。以雾霾频发的特大城市和区域为重点,以细颗粒物和可吸入颗粒物治理为突破口,抓住产业结构、能源效率

admin2018-08-12  55

问题     环境保护


答案 Environmental Protection The haze that has been hanging over more areas of China for longer periods, and the problems of environmental pollution are becoming major concerns; they are a red light from Nature warning against the extensive economic growth model. Therefore, we must forcefully/ better protect the ecological environment and be determined to take resolute measures to accomplish this demanding mission. Tough measures will be adopted to better prevent and control pollution. We will fully implement the plan for preventing and controlling air pollution, with the focus on mega cities and regions with frequent occurrence of smog. We will start by reducing PM10 and PM2. 5 emissions, and focus on the following key areas: improving the industrial structure, raising energy efficiency, reducing vehicle exhaust emissions, and preventing and monitoring wind-borne dust. We will improve the new mechanism involving government, enterprises and the general public, coordinate prevention and control efforts in affected regions, and fully implement the action plan for preventing and controlling air pollution. Specifically, 50, 000 small coal-fired furnaces shall be phased out this year. We will put in place an action plan for clean water by vigorously protecting the sources of drinking water, and moving ahead with the treatment of pollution in major river valleys. We will also restore polluted land. China will reform (the modes of) energy production and consumption. China will enhance energy savings and limit emissions to control the total volume of energy consumption, so as to reduce energy consumption by over 3. 9% this year. We will increase the proportion of non-fossil-fuel-generated electricity ; develop smart electric grids; encourage the development of wind and solar power, and launch a number of hydroelectric-power and nuclear power projects. We will increase exploration, development and application of natural gas and shale gas. Employing clean methods of production, green and low-carbon technologies and a recycling economy will better enable us to cope with a changing climate. Conserving water and materials and the overall better use of resources shall be our goal. We will speed up the development and use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and products and turn the energy conservation and environmental protection industries into dynamic sunrise industries.

