择书比择友简单得多。不善辞令、厌恶应酬的人,可以自由自在地徜徉于书林之中,游目四顾,俯拾皆友。 看书,可以博览,可以细嚼,没有人会怪你喜新厌旧,也没有人要求你从一而终。你大可以从一本换到另一本,喜爱的书,不妨一读再读;不耐看的书,又可随手抛下,谁也

admin2019-10-05  40

问题     择书比择友简单得多。不善辞令、厌恶应酬的人,可以自由自在地徜徉于书林之中,游目四顾,俯拾皆友。


答案It is much easier to choose a book than a Mend. One who is poor at speech and shuns socializing will nevertheless feel like being surrounded by friends while sauntering freely in the midst of books. Some books are to be read cursorily, and some are to be chewed and digested. None will ever call you fickle-minded, and none will ever demand that you be constant in your affection. You can go from one book to another. And you can read your favorite book over and over again. When you lay aside the book you dislike, none will ever feel hurt or disappointed. While interpersonal relations are very complicated, what about your relations with books? Devote your time to studies, and you will be able to acquire any knowledge no matter how profound it is.

解析 1.这两段为论说性小品文,整体时态应为一般现在时。句子较长且意群较多,翻译的时候注意分译句子,同时注意在遣词造句上要力求达意、简明。
2.第1段第2句中“……的人”定语含义丰富,故译成定语从句;“厌恶应酬”可以理解为“因厌恶而回避社交”,因此译作shuns socializing;该句有内在的转折关系,翻译时可增译转折词nevertheless。
3.“游目四顾,俯拾皆友”只需将“俯拾皆友”译出来,即feel like being surrounded by friends,“徜徉于书林之中”已包含了“游目四顾”这层意思。在译的时候,注意中文的内在逻辑关系,以安排句式以及结构。
4.第2段首句有两个意群,可以分译成两个句子。“看书,可以博览,可以细嚼”可以参考培根《论读书》(OfStudies)中的名句“Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to bechewed and digested”,“博览”与其后的“细嚼”相对,指有些书可以粗略地(cursorily)读。fickle-minded意思是“(在感情、喜好上)不专一的”。
5.“你大可以……而伤心失望”这一句较长,同样可以按意群分译成几个分句。“人际关系”是interpersonal relations,“书际关系”在这里并非指书与书的关系,而是指人与书之间的关系,故可译成your relation with books。
