A:Hello. I’m looking for some two-box cars—something with good quality, but not too expensive. Would you recommend some to me? B

admin2017-02-22  46

B:I’d love to. Here are our modified models. Most of them are economy models, available in two transmissions:the automatic and the manual. An automatic car, of course, costs more. You have to consider the service charges. Cars with automatic transmission are generally more expensive to service.
A:我明白了。那边的那辆是不是你们的最新款式?看上去很不错的。手动档和自动档都有吗? ”
B:Yes, it has both. It is a good model. Although it has been on the market only for about six months, it has become a great favorite with Chinese customers, very popular in big cities.
B:Well, it also features reclining seats, a DVD player, air bags, air conditioning, and sunroofs.
B:Are you kidding? I would be fired. To tell you the truth, I can give you a 10% discount at most. Anything more than that is beyond my limit. Remember it’s a new Product and a lot of research work has been involved in design and manufacturing. My instructions are to negotiate hard, but we can try to come up with something else.
B:They’re available in several colors:red, blue, white, gray, pink, and also yellow. You know yellow is a favorite color among young men and women.
B:Thank you. I look forward to your early answer.


答案A:Hello. I’m looking for some two-box cars—something with good quality, but not too expensive. Would you recommend some to me? B:当然可以。这些是我们新推出的改进型款式。大部分是经济实用型的。有自动档和手动档的。自动档的当然要贵一些。你还得考虑维修费用。自动档的汽车维修费用一般要高一些。 A:I see. Is that one over there one of your latest models? It looks great! Does it have both manual and automatic transmissions? B:是的,都有,确实是一款好车。它才上市半年,就很受中国客户的欢迎,尤其在大城市很受欢迎。 A:It sounds nice. What does it have? B:有可调座椅、DVD、气囊、空调和天窗。 A:Excellent! Young commuters need fully-loaded economy cars. They don’t have money to burn. Benz and Cadillac are not for them. Can you grant me a favorable discount on this car, say 25% off. B:你在开玩笑吧!我会被解雇的。说实话,我最多能给你打九折。这是我的最高权限,这可是新产品,在设计和生产上都进行了大量的研究工作。老板指示我不能让步,但我们还是可以再商量商量。 A:I see. You mean you have to talk to your company. But your price is not competitive, compared with those of others. My suggestion is 20%, which will make it easier for us to promote your cars in our area. What about the color? B:有好几种颜色:红的、蓝的、白的、灰的、粉的,还有黄的。你知道,青年男女都很喜欢黄色的车。 A:Yellow cars do not sell well in Chinese markets, probably due to cultural reasons. Anyway, 1 was greatly impressed by your showroom, and we’ll study your catalogues further and let you know our decision as early as possible. B:谢谢!我期待你们的回音。

解析    本文是一篇关于汽车销售的对话。要求应试者掌握汽车业、销售等方面的基础知识和专有名词。此外,应试者还需要在较短的时间内,理解、分析、简化或切分长难句,避免从句堆积;对于一些较为生僻的词汇,不能死译、硬译,而应该在理解的基础上意译;做交替传译时,在忠实原文意思的基础上,可以在结构上进行一些变化,以达到通顺的效果,同时,还应该注意上下文的衔接。
   1.两厢汽车    two-box cars
   2.modified model    改进型款式
   3.经济型车    economy cars
   4.奔驰    Benz
   5.卡迪拉克    Cadillac
   2.Cars with automatic transmission are generally more expensive to service.
   原句的句子结构分析如下:1)(主语)Cars+(谓语)are+(表语)more expensive;2)“with automatic transmission”是主语“Cars”的后置定语。英语中,定语后置是一种常见的语言现象,而汉语中则多用前置定语,翻译时,应该调整语序,将后置定语提前,在译文中充当前置定语。
   3.Although it has been on the market only for about six months, it has become a great favorite with Chinese customers, very popular in big cities.
   原句句子结构分析如下:1)although引导的状语从句十主句;2)主句的句子结构:(主语)it+(谓语)has become+(表语1)a great favorite+(表语2) popular;翻译时,从句关系在译文中用“才……就……”结构表示。
   4.To tell you the truth, I can give you a 10% discount at most.
   原句的句子结构分析如下:(主语)I+(谓语)can give+(宾语)discount。本句的重难点在于“discount”,关于折扣,英语和汉语是从相反的角度来表达的,根据英语表达习惯,修饰“discount”的百分比是从原价中减去的比例,而在汉语中修饰“折扣”的比例是顾客实际需要支付的比例。这在笔译中非常容易,但在口译时,要求应试者在非常短的时间内进行这种数字间的转换,就有一定的难度。
   5.Remember it’s a new product and a lot of research work has been involved in design and manufacturing.
   原句句子结构分析如下:(主语省略)+(谓语)remember+(宾语从句1)+(宾语从句2);2)宾语从句1的结构:(主语)it+(谓语)is+(表语)a new product;3)宾语从句2的结构:(主语)work+(谓语)has been involved;宾语从句2中的谓语部分由被动语态构成,翻译时,应该进行语态转换,变成主动语态。
   1.service charges    维修费用
   2.最新款式    latest models
   3.手动档    manual transmission
   4.自动档    automatic transmission
   5.be on the market    上市
   6.reclining seats    调座椅
   7.sunroofs    天窗
   8.优惠的折扣    favorable discount
   9.推销    promote
   10.产品目录    product catalogues
