
admin2023-01-12  64

问题     夜渐渐来临,天空拉上了黑色的窗帘,一团红色主宰了这片绿色的草原,篝火晚会开始了,牧人们都站了起来,围着篝火,载歌载舞,美酒佳肴,觥筹交错。夜的景色很美,天上的繁星都拥簇着月亮要高歌一曲,来和牧人一比。气氛渐浓,老人们累了,席地而坐,拉着自己的孙子,说起了他们那个时代的故事。小孩子们一边听着,一边啃着肉骨头。青年男女还在享受着晚会的气氛。牧犬也得到了肥美的肉,在嗷嗷地嚎叫,牛羊也不甘示弱,却也只能咩咩哞哞地吃着青草,这个应该算是夜宵。篝火的火焰在升腾,空中的酒香肉味掺杂着酣畅的笑声


答案 The night scenery was beautiful with the bright stars clustered around the moon, which intended to sing a song lustily and compete with the shepherds. With the atmosphere getting stronger, the elderly got worn to a frazzle. They sat on the ground, took their grandchildren by the hand, and told stories of their times, while the children enjoyed the story time gnawing on a bone. Meanwhile, youths and maidens were still immersing themselves in the atmosphere of the party. The shepherd dogs were howling in a mounting decibel for they also got fat meat. The cows and sheep were also unwilling to be defeated, but they could only moo and bleat for grass, which was supposed to be their night snack. The flames of the bonfire leapt up, with the meat and wine-like flavor and the happy laughter drifting in the sky.

