An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the

admin2013-05-22  20

问题     An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king’s surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty, "said the minister, kneeling before the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard (棋盘), two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square. Give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."
    "You don’t ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.
    But when the counting began, with one grain for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8 466 744 073 709 511 615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in about 2000 years!
    Now tile king found himself deep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa’s head, the litter of which, it is said was what he finally chose.
A bag of wheat was enough for ______.

选项 A、19 squares
B、one third of the squares
C、the first 19 squares
D、20 squares


解析 此题是对细节信息和计算能力的考查。其中关键词是a bag..enough for。再看各选项内容都与数字有关。因此应着重在文中搜索数字方面的信息。从第2段末句a bag... brought to..,第3段第1句...the bag..emptied before the 20th square中得知一袋麦子在填第二十方格之前就已空了。因此推知一袋麦子够填十九个方格。故D项是错的;再看C前十九个方格与 A十九个方格在意义上完全不同,C项是正确的,A项是错误的;又根据推算得知19不是64(第1段末句the 64 squares of the chessboard)的三分之一,故B项也是错的。
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