
admin2021-05-28  78

问题   2013年以来,有关光伏(photovoltaic)产业发展政策的出台,犹如一剂强心针(cardiotonic),使产业前景变得乐观了许多。尤其重要的是,这些政策抓住了我国光伏产业发展的关键之处,对于推动未来产业健康发展具有重要意义。客观地说,在经历了前一阶段的疯狂野蛮成长(irrational development)之后,我国光伏产业确实存在诸多问题。但是我们应该清醒地认识到,光伏产业是有巨大发展潜力的朝阳产业,也是我国具有国际竞争优势的战略性新兴产业。


答案  Since 2013, some policies concerning the development of the photovoltaic industry have been formulated, which acts as a cardiotonic, making the prospect of the industry much more promising. It is particularly important that these policies grasp the key point of the development of China’s photovoltaic industry, which have important meaning for promoting sound development of this industry in the future. To be fair, many problems do exist in China’s photovoltaic industry because of the previous irrational development. However, we should be fully aware that the photovoltaic industry is a sunrise industry with great development potential, and also an emerging industry of strategic importance with international competitive advantages in China.

解析       1.第一句中,“有关”应翻译为concerning;“出台”可理解为“制定”,故可译为formulated;“前景变得乐观”中的“乐观”译为promising更贴切。
      2.第二句中的“健康”可以译为sound,“具有重要意义”可译为have important meaning。
      3.第四句中的“战略性新兴产业”可译为an emerging industry of strategic importance,也可译为a strategic emerging industry。emerging表示“新兴的,发展初期的”。
