A:我一直想出国留学,但一直没有机会。其实,有大量的奖学全和资金可以提供给像我一样想要留学的人。你把护照准备好,就可以踏上一段美好的文化学习之旅了。 B: The idea of studying abroad is always so fantastic

admin2022-08-12  52

A: I always considered studying abroad but never got a chance to do it. Actually, there are plenty of scholarships and money available to people like me, who are looking into it and once you have your passport all set, you could be on your way to a wonderful time of cultural learning.
A: My mother also said that. She would be worried sick knowing I was going to a different country; she would be so happy that I was going to get academic credit and learn about other cultures along the way, but of course she would be thinking of probably every bad thing that could happen.
A: My friends told me they had serious culture shock after they went abroad. It can be caused by a range of things, both big and small, such as unfamiliar greetings and hand gestures, strange food, difficult language barriers. This unfamiliarity can lead to symptoms such as confusion, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, and homesickness.


答案A:我一直想出国留学,但一直没有机会。其实,有大量的奖学全和资金可以提供给像我一样想要留学的人。你把护照准备好,就可以踏上一段美好的文化学习之旅了。 B: The idea of studying abroad is always so fantastical and full of adventure, but students should also consider the opposite side of things as well. A:我妈妈也是这么说的。如果她知道我要去另一个国家,会担心得要命;但我去国外上学,能了解别国文化,她肯定很开心。当然,她也会想到所有可能发生的坏事。 B: You never thought you would say it, but you are going to miss your mom as much as she worries about you, especially when you run into many difficulties such as getting lost, running low on cash, having FOMO, or feeling like an outsider. A:我的朋友们告诉我,他们出国之后,受到了严重的文化冲击。导致文化冲击的因素有很多,不论大小,都有可能,如不熟悉的问候和手势、奇怪的食物、语言障碍。这些对新环境的陌生感会导致困惑、焦虑、挫折、孤独和思乡等症状。 B: Yes! And you know what? You may suffer from reverse culture shock when you return. As you immerse yourself in a new culture, you quickly adapt to a different way of life. Meanwhile, everyone at home changes. But when you go back, it was like waking up from a strange dream. Everything was almost the same as you remembered, yet a few details weren’t right.

