From the very first there was too wide a gap between us. You had been idle at your school, worse than idle at your university. Y

admin2013-06-19  55

问题     From the very first there was too wide a gap between us. You had been idle at your school, worse than idle at your university. You did not realise that an artist, and especially such an artist as I am. one, that is to say, the quality of whose work depends on the intensification of personality-requires for the development of his art the companionship of ideas, and intellectual atmosphere, quiet, peace, and solitude. You admired my work when it was finished; you enjoyed the brilliant successes of my first nights, and the brilliant banquets that followed them: you were proud, and quite naturally so. of being the intimate friend of an artist so distinguished: but you could not understand the conditions requisite for the production of artistic work. I am not speaking in phrases of rhetorical exaggeration but in terms of absolute truth to actual fact when I remind you that during the whole time we were together I never wrote one single line. Whether at Torquay, Goring, London, Florence or elsewhere, my life, as long as you were by my side, was entirely sterile and uncreative. And with but few intervals you were, I regret to say, by my side always.


答案 从一开始,你我之间的鸿沟就太大了。你在中学就懒散度日,更甚于在大学时期。你并没有意识到,一个艺术家,尤其是像我这样的艺术家,也就是说,作品的质量靠的是加强个性的艺术家,其艺术的发展要求思想的默契,心智的氛围,安详悠静的独处。我的作品完成后你会钦佩赞赏:首演之夜辉煌的成功,随之而来辉煌的宴会,都让你高兴。你感到骄傲,这很自然,自己会是这么一位大艺术家的亲密朋友,但你无法理解艺术作品得以产生的那些必备条件。我不夸大其词,而是绝对实事求是地要你知道,在我们相处的那个时候,我一行东西都没写。无论是在托基、戈灵、伦敦、佛罗伦萨,还是其他地方,只要你在身旁,我就才思枯竭,灵感全无,而除了那么几次以外,我很遗憾地说,你总是呆在我身旁。

解析     《自深深处》(De Profundis)是王尔德(Oscar Wilde)在狱中写给他的同性恋伙伴道格拉斯(别名“波西”)的一封动人长信,信中回忆了两人交往的经历,并用充满忧伤的语言诉说内心的痛苦,表达了对道格拉斯的爱恨交织,同时还集中阐述了王尔德的艺术观、生活观。此段讲的正是王尔德谴责波西,只是贪图他的钱财和影响力,而不懂得如何对待他人。
1.  划线部分第一句“an artist,and especially...and solitude.”较长,表达的意思也比较复杂,翻译时需仔细阅读,理清句子结构,否则理解会有偏差。主语“artist”,谓语动词“requires”,两者的中间部分可视作同位语成分。  “the companionship of ideas…”这几个并列成分则是“require”的直接宾语,而“the development of his art”则是 “require”的间接宾语,因此,可译作“其(艺术家)艺术的发展要求……”
2.  “intensification of personality”中“intensification”本意为“强化”、  “加剧”。此 处采用词类转换法,将名词intensification译成动词“加强”。故“intensification of personality”译为“加强个性”。
3.  companionship:the state of being with someone.(友谊;陪伴;交谊)。这里the companionship of ideas不妨译作“思想的默契”。
4.  quiet,peace,and solitude在文中均作名词,翻译时,为了与前面两组间接宾语(“思想的默契”、“心智的氛同”)的译文结构一致,使译文结构更为紧凑,  “quiet, peace”可采用词类转换法作形容词翻译,即“安详,悠静的”。故词组可以译为“安详悠静的独处”。
5.  划线部分第二句“You admired my work…the production of artistic work.”,句式较长,翻译时需采用断句法,每一个分号,译作一句。
6.  first nights:是指“首演之夜”。
7.  requisite:必备的,必不可少的。
8.  最后一句“in phrases of rhetorical exaggeration”中“rhetorical”本意为“修辞的;修辞学的;夸张的”,  “exaggeration”本意为“夸张”,两者在文中意思相近,都作“夸张”解。故该短语在这里不妨译作“夸大其词”。
9.  in terms of:就……而言;依据;按照。
10.  “I never wrote one single line”中“line”本义有“路线,航线;排;绳”等意思。此处联系上下文,与“write”搭配的“line”应作“行”解。
